Surrounding the crater lake Talagabodas Garut, one can find fumaroles, mud pots, and hot springs

Located in West Java, Indonesia, Mount Talagabodas, also known as Mount Telagabodas, is a stratovolcano with a rich history. The volcano, situated approximately 25 km east of Garut, is primarily composed of andesitic lavas and pyroclastics Surrounding the crater lake, one can find fumaroles, mud pots, and hot springs, adding to the geological significance of .the area. Notably, changes in the color of the lake were observed in the years 1913 and 1921, indicating the dynamic nature of this natural wonder.

Standing at an altitude of 1,720 m or 1,020 m above the Garut plains, the crater lake of Mount Talagabodas has a diameter of less than 2 km. This picturesque site is not only a geological marvel but also holds cultural significance, as its name translates to "Mount of White Lake" in Sundanese. The proximity of this volcano to the town of Garut makes it a notable landmark in the region, attracting visitors and researchers alike to explore its unique features and history.

Furthermore, Mount Talagabodas is situated just north of the Galunggung volcano, which gained global attention due to a significant eruption in 1982. This eruption caused widespread disruption, including affecting international air travel and leading to an emergency situation for British Airways Flight 9. Despite the volcanic activity in the region, Mount Talagabodas remains a fascinating destination for those interested in geology, nature, and the cultural heritage of West Java, offering a glimpse into the Earth's powerful forces and the beauty they create.

Talaga Bodas crater tourism object is one of the mountain tourism objects located in Garut regency. This tourism object is a small lake or talaga formed in the former crater of Mount Talaga Bodas.

The crater itself still has volcanic activity, but it is no longer dangerous and safe to visit.  This area is still green and lush, directly bordering the forest. Visitors can find a fresh atmosphere and refreshing views around the Talaga Bodas crater in Garut.

The administrative location of Talaga Bodas crater is in Sukamenak Village, Wanaraja, Garut. This area is under the management of the West Java BKSDA.

To reach Talaga Bodas, you can take the Bandung - Garut - Wanaraja route or the Bandung - Limbangan -Cibatu - Wanaraja route.

There are currently no specific signs indicating the location. The marker is a junction after the Wanaraja square, where you turn right (if coming from Garut) or a junction before the Wanaraja square, where you turn left (if coming from Cibatu).

Public transportation to the location can be done by taking the Garut - Wanaraja angkot from Guntur Garut terminal and then continuing with an ojek ride to the site.

The administrative location of Talaga Bodas crater is in Sukamenak Village, Wanaraja, Garut. This area is under the management of the West Java BKSDA.

As you approach the crater location, you will come across an intersection with several food stalls around it. The road to the right leads to Talaga Bodas, while the straight road leads towards Tasikmalaya.

From here, you can see Mount Sadahurip, which some people believe to be an ancient pyramid. This spot can be considered the best spot to see Mount Sadahurip with its pyramid shape.

Currently, there is already a place arrangement in the Talaga Bodas area. Private vehicles are no longer allowed to enter the crater area directly, but must stop at the entrance gate. All vehicles must park here.

From here, you can walk to the crater location or use a special motorcycle taxi to transport visitors there. Food stalls are also only available in the parking area, unlike before when they were directly located on the edge of the crater.

My suggestion is to take a motorcycle taxi to the crater as it is quite steep for about 700 meters. You can leisurely walk back, it's not tiring at all.

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