Explore the beauty of the Sianok Canyon, in Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra

  The Sianok Canyon is a steep valley located on the border of Bukittinggi City, in the IV Koto District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra. This valley stretches and winds as the city's boundary line from the south of Ngarai Koto Gadang to the nagari Sianok Anam Suku, and ends in the Palupuh District. Sianok Canyon offers a breathtaking view and is also one of the main tourist attractions in the province.

source: wikipedia.org

With a depth of approximately 100 meters, Sianok Canyon stretches for about 15 kilometers with a width of around 200 meters. It is part of a fault that separates the island of Sumatra into two elongated parts (Semangko fault). This fault forms steep walls, even perpendicular, and creates a green valley - a result of the earth's crust movement (syncline) - through which the clear waters of Batang Sianok flow. During the Dutch colonial era, this canyon was also known as karbouwengat or "buffalo's throat" due to the abundance of wild buffaloes living freely at the bottom of the canyon.

Batang Sianok can now be navigated using canoes and kayaks provided by the water sports organization "Qurays". The route starts from Lambah nagari to Sitingkai jorong in Palupuh nagari, taking approximately 3.5 hours. Along the riverbanks, rare plants such as rafflesia and medicinal plants can still be found. Some of the fauna that can be encountered include long-tailed monkeys, siamangs, gibbons, deer, wild boars, leopards, and tapirs.

To explore the beauty of the Sianok Canyon, tourists must pay an entrance fee of Rp 15,000 for adults and Rp 10,000 for children. This natural wonder is located on the border of Bukittinggi City, specifically in the IV Koto District of Agam Regency, West Sumatra. The Sianok Canyon offers breathtaking views of steep cliffs and lush greenery, making it a popular destination for nature enthusiasts. Don't miss the opportunity to witness the stunning landscape and immerse yourself in the tranquility of this remarkable site.

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