You should try climbing Mount Karang, Banten

 Mount Karang is located in Pandeglang Regency, Banten, Indonesia, and is a cone volcano that belongs to the Stratovolcano group. With a height of 1,778 meters above sea level, this mountain has the potential to erupt and you need to be careful. The peak of Mount Karang is known as Sumur Tujuh.

Mount Karang has a relative height of 1,703 meters and is located in Banten Province. This type of mountain is a Stratovolcano, which shows characteristics of eruptions that tend to be explosive. The coordinates of Mount Karang are 6°16′12″S 106°02′31″E.

Mount Karang is included in the Ribu list, which is a mountain with a height of more than 1,000 meters above sea level. The peak of Mount Karang reaches a height of 1,778 meters or the equivalent of 5,833 feet. With its unique characteristics and potential for eruptions, Mount Karang is an interesting geological object to study.


Transportation from Jakarta

From Jakarta, transportation to Mount Karang is relatively easy to reach. It only takes about 2 hours to travel by bus or private vehicle. This is certainly an advantage for those who want to visit this tourist spot.

However, it is a shame that the facilities at Mount Karang are still not very complete. Therefore, it is best to prepare everything you need before leaving or even in the middle of the trip. Make sure to bring all the important equipment so that the trip to Mount Karang runs smoothly without any problems.

By preparing everything you need before leaving, it is hoped that the trip to Mount Karang will be an enjoyable and unforgettable experience. Even though tourist facilities are not yet adequate, the natural beauty of Mount Karang will definitely make your trip memorable.

Hiking trails

Mount Karang is located in Pandeglang Regency, Banten and is included in the Stratovolcano mountain group which is no longer active. This tourist destination is very popular among beginner climbers because the track is not too difficult and the stunning natural views.

Apart from that, around Mount Karang there are interesting stone tourist attractions to visit. For those of you who want to spend your holiday time here, it is important to know the two climbing routes that are often used, namely the Pager Batu Route and the Kadu Engang Route.

With its natural beauty and various interesting tourist attractions, Mount Karang is the perfect destination for beginner climbers and tourists who want to enjoy the natural beauty of Banten. So, don't hesitate to make Mount Karang your next holiday destination!

Pager Batu Climbing Route

The Pager Batu route is a relatively easy route and not too challenging. However, the time required to reach the peak is actually longer than the Kadu Engang route.

To reach the top of Mount Karang via this route, it takes around 7 to 8 hours! This means that anyone who chooses this route must prepare well physically and with equipment. Apart from that, beginner climbers are advised to choose the Kadu Engang route which is safer than this route.

The Pager Batu route is not too challenging, but still requires good preparation and vigilance. Even though the travel time is longer, this route is still an option for those who want to enjoy a climb with a moderate level of difficulty. However, for beginner climbers or those who want to find a safer route, the Kadu Engang route could be a better alternative.

Kadu Engang Climbing Route

The Kadu Engang route is the main choice for climbers who want to climb Mount Karang because the track is relatively short and the climbing time is not too long. However, keep in mind that this route is quite challenging, so it is important for beginner climbers to prepare proper safety equipment before starting the climb to the top of Mount Karang via this route. With complete safety equipment, climbers' safety can be guaranteed.

Before starting the climb, it is important to check the weather conditions first. If the weather does not permit, it is better to postpone the climb until the weather improves. Climbing in bad weather conditions can endanger the climber's safety. Apart from that, compared to the Pagerwatu route, the Kadu Engang route has a shorter travel time, only around 4 to 6 hours. This allows climbers not to spend the whole day on the trip.

When passing through the Kadu Engang Route, climbers will encounter an intersection which will serve as a reference for determining the next route. At this intersection, there are 3 lane options to choose from. Therefore, it is important for climbers to pay attention to the signs and instructions so that they can continue their journey correctly and safely. If followed properly, the Kadu Engang Route will provide the experience of climbing a mountain

When passing through the Kadu Engang Route, climbers will encounter an intersection which will serve as a reference for determining the next route. At this intersection, there are 3 lane options to choose from. Therefore, it is important for climbers to pay attention to the signs and instructions so that they can continue their journey correctly and safely. If followed properly, the Kadu Engang Route will provide an interesting and satisfying experience of climbing Mount Karang.

The first option is the official hiking trail which turns left from the junction. On this route, you will pass post 1, post 2, and post 3. During the journey to post 3, you can enjoy views of the city of Pandeglang because the route is open.

The second option is the spring path which turns to the right. During your journey through this trail, you will come across a collection of pumpkin trees that form pumpkins. At the end of the route, there is a small dam which functions as a water reservoir for the residents of Kadu Engang.

The third option is a shortcut that goes directly to post 3. Here, you will pass a tree known as the Kiara Besar tree.

Legend of Mount Karang

Mount Karang is a resting cone volcano, located in Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province. In the classification of volcanoes, Mount Karang is included in the stratovolcano group which has the potential to erupt. With a height of 1778 meters above sea level, the peak is known as the Seven Wells.

Apart from being a popular natural tourist attraction, Mount Karang is also a favorite pilgrimage location in Banten. Legends surrounding Mount Karang also add to its appeal, such as the story of Prince Surya Kencana, the beauty of the Edelweiss Flower, as well as the myths and mysteries that surround this mountain. It is said that Mount Karang is considered a gathering place for saints around the world.

On the other hand, Mount Karang is also believed to be a gathering place for Jinns worldwide. It is said that this mountain has two parts, namely the white part where the world's saints gather, and the black part where the world's Jinn gather. Because of this, Mount Karang often becomes a religious tourism destination for Banten residents and also tourists or pilgrims from outside the area. Special directions are needed from Kuncen or the mountain guard for those who want to climb Mount Karang which is considered sacred.

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