You must visit the settlement of Giri Jaya Padepokan, at the foot of Mount Salak

The Giri Jaya Padepokan settlement, which is located at the foot of Mount Salak, far from village settlements in general, certainly has a significant influence on the integrity of the 451 buildings around it. Moreover, the strong position of customs and ancestral heritage beliefs in the construction and maintenance process of these buildings ensures that their authenticity and uniqueness is always well maintained. Not many people know the concept of Padepokan Giri Jaya residents, both in terms of structure, function and shape of the building. Therefore, research into the Study of the Cultural Values of Traditional Architecture in Giri Jaya Padepokan, Sukabumi Regency, West Java Province is an important activity in an effort to highlight and explore the potential of noble cultural values inherited from ancestors in this country, especially in the regions. West Java region.

To know and understand the role of customs or traditions in the life of the Giri Jaya Padepokan community related to traditional architecture. The research area is in the Village/Giri Jaya Padepokan, Giri Jaya Village, Cidahu District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java Province, with various aspects relating to the structure, function and form of buildings being studied. These components are what make a building a place for daily life activities. Another factor that influences the existence of architecture in Giri Jaya Padepokan is the social and cultural potential of the community.

By studying the Cultural Values of Traditional Architecture in Giri Jaya Padepokan, we can gain valuable insight into the rich heritage and traditions of the community. Understanding the complex relationships between customs, beliefs, and architectural practices can shed light on the importance of these structures in the daily lives of their inhabitants. The unique characteristics and cultural significance of the buildings in Giri Jaya Padepokan can be appreciated and preserved for future generations, thereby contributing to a wider appreciation of traditional architecture in the region.

Buildings left by ancestors,

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Buildings left by ancestors, which are certainly old, the materials and most of whose structures are still preserved by their descendants to this day, can be said to be traditional architecture. Imah Kidul, Paseban, and Leuit are buildings left by the ancestors of the Padepokan Giri Jaya community which are still used by their descendants. Imah Kidul as a residential building was built by Eyang Abu around the 1830s. The basic architecture of the building is traditional Sundanese, but there are influences from Javanese and Dutch colonial architecture in several parts.

Sundanese architecture is clearly visible in the structure of the houses on stilts and stilts - even though almost the entire house on stilts is covered with walls (front, left side and back), the shape of the site is still clearly visible. The walls are made of woven bamboo and wooden planks, the floor is made of wooden planks, the window shape uses louvered windows, the roof uses long rafters with "jure" markings or what is known as "pongpok openings", and so on. Javanese architecture can be seen in the ornaments on the window frames in the form of cardboard flowers. The decoration consists of flora (flowers).

Apart from that, Dutch Colonial architecture can be seen in the shape of the windows, where apart from the height and double leaf openings, the vertical window frames are also installed as high as the walls of the house, from the ceiling to the floor. The horizontal frame is installed according to the height of the window. The height of the window itself reaches almost three-quarters of the wall height. There are two shutters, each with two openings. The first window from the inside is a glass window, while the second window is a louvered window. The shape of the window is a combination of various architectural influences.


Administratively, the Giri Jaya Padepokan Traditional Village is located in the Giri Jaya Village area, Cidahu District, Sukabumi Regency. It is located approximately 12 km southwest of Cicurug and at the foot of Mount Salak (1,211 m) with a height of 800 m above sea level. This area borders the surrounding areas, including to the east it borders Cisaat Village in Cicurug District, to the north it borders forest, to the west it borders Cidahu Village in Cidahu District, and to the south it borders Tangkil Village in Cidahu District.

The Giri Jaya Village is quite far from the hustle and bustle of the city. The distance from this village to the sub district capital is 5 km, with a travel time of approximately 0.15 hours by motor vehicle or about 1 hour on foot. Furthermore, the distance to the regency capital is 63 km, with a travel time of 3 hours by motor vehicle. The origin of the Giri Jaya Padepokan has its own story dating back to 1827, at the southern foot of Mount Salak with an elevation of 900 m above sea level, in the wilderness. At that time, there was a person named Eyang Kulon, originally known as Eyang Abu Shohih. He meditated and prayed to the Creator for the safety of the country and its people, as the country was under Dutch colonial rule at that time.

For three and a half years, Eyang Kulon stayed at the foot of Mount Salak. Then, a person from the "Mangku Negara" in Surakarta, named Ama Santri or Eyang Wetan, invited Eyang Kulon to move from the foot of Mount Salak to a location less than 1 km away. Their friendship continued, with Eyang Wetan to the east and Eyang Kulon to the west. This historical account sheds light on the cultural significance of the traditional architecture in the Giri Jaya Padepokan area, showcasing the deep-rooted history and values of the community.

Traditional Architectural

The traditional architecture in Giri Jaya Padepokan, located in Sukabumi Regency, consists of various types of buildings that have stood the test of time and are well preserved. These include residential buildings, gathering/meeting places, and food storage facilities. Each of these structures reflects the rich cultural heritage and architectural style of the region, showcasing the craftsmanship and design principles of traditional Indonesian architecture.

The residential buildings in Giri Jaya Padepokan are not just places to live but also serve as symbols of community and family ties. These structures are designed to provide shelter, comfort, and security to the inhabitants while also incorporating elements of traditional aesthetics and cultural significance. The architecture of these homes reflects the values and beliefs of the people who built them, creating a sense of continuity and connection to the past.

In addition to residential buildings, Giri Jaya Padepokan also features gathering/meeting places and food storage facilities that play important roles in the daily lives of the community. These structures are designed to facilitate social interactions, decision-making processes, and the preservation of essential resources. The traditional architecture of these buildings not only serves practical functions but also embodies the cultural identity and heritage of the people of Giri Jaya Padepokan, making them integral parts of the community's history and traditions.

Tourist attractions around Padepokan

Cidahu, Sukabumi has gained recognition for its refreshing climate, attracting a significant number of camping aficionados. The region boasts a variety of camping sites, among which is Camp Nusantara. Moreover, Cidahu's strategic location provides easy access to a selection of stunning waterfalls, including Curug Sawer Manglid, Curug Dua Undak, Curug Cempaka, and Curug Kucing. These picturesque natural wonders present an opportunity for tourists to bask in the splendor of the outdoors and relish the tranquil atmosphere.

The cool weather in Cidahu, Sukabumi has made it a sought-after destination for those seeking a camping experience. With several camping grounds available, such as Camp Nusantara, visitors have ample choices for their outdoor adventures. Furthermore, the proximity of Cidahu to various breathtaking waterfalls like Curug Sawer Manglid, Curug Dua Undak, Curug Cempaka, and Curug Kucing adds to the allure of the area. These enchanting natural sites allow guests to connect with nature and revel in the serene environment.

Renowned for its cool climate, Cidahu in Sukabumi has become a favored spot for camping enthusiasts looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. The abundance of camping options, including Camp Nusantara, caters to the diverse needs of outdoor enthusiasts. Additionally, the presence of captivating waterfalls such as Curug Sawer Manglid, Curug Dua Undak, Curug Cempaka, and Curug Kucing near Cidahu offers a chance for visitors to unwind in the midst of nature's beauty and savor the peaceful surroundings.

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