Will Indonesian Tourism Become a Strategic Sector of the Indonesian Economy?

 Will Indonesian Tourism Become a Strategic Sector of the Indonesian Economy?

By Hadi Hartono

The progress of tourism in Indonesia continues to increase from year to year. Many tourist destinations are increasingly famous and in demand by local and foreign tourists. With stunning natural beauty, cultural diversity and the friendliness of its people, Indonesia is one of the favorite tourist destinations in the world.

Support from the government and various parties to the tourism industry also plays a role in the positive development of this sector. Improved infrastructure, intensive tourism promotion, and increasingly professional services are important factors in attracting tourists to visit Indonesia.

Not only does it have a positive impact on the country's economy, the development of Indonesian tourism also introduces Indonesia's natural and cultural riches to the international world. The more people who are interested in exploring the beauty of Indonesia, the greater the opportunity to expand the tourism market and increase income from this sector.

However, economic growth in the tourism sector still feels less than optimal with its various problems. So tourism is still far from becoming a strategic sector for the Indonesian economy. Although the potential for tourism to become a strategic sector of the Indonesian economy is very possible and wide open.

Indonesian Tourism Problems

One of the main challenges in the tourism industry in Indonesia is the lack of adequate infrastructure. Many tourist areas are difficult to access due to damaged roads or inadequate public transportation. This makes tourists reluctant to visit certain tourist destinations, thus having an impact on the growth of the tourism industry as a whole.

Apart from that, another problem faced by the tourism industry in Indonesia is the lack of effective promotion. Many tourist destinations are not yet widely known both at home and abroad because of the lack of promotion. This means that Indonesia's tourism potential cannot be fully utilized and competes with other countries in the Southeast Asia region.

Cooperation is needed between the government, private sector and society to overcome various problems that exist in the tourism industry in Indonesia. With the synergy between various parties, it is hoped that tourism infrastructure can be improved, promotion is more effective, and a better tourism experience is provided for visitors. This will have a positive impact on the future growth of the tourism industry in Indonesia.

Geographic Challenges

The problems of the tourism sector in Indonesia are geographically a complex challenge. With thousands of islands spread across the archipelago, managing and promoting tourism is a difficult task. Each island has its own uniqueness and charm, but it is difficult to reach its full potential due to limited infrastructure and limited accessibility.

One of the main problems is limited inter-island transportation. Although there are several flight routes and ferries connecting the main islands, many islands are still difficult to reach. This makes it difficult for tourists to explore the natural beauty and diverse culture throughout Indonesia.

Apart from that, another problem is the lack of adequate tourism facilities and infrastructure. Some tourist areas still lack accommodation, restaurants and local transportation facilities. This hampers the development of tourism in these areas and makes tourists reluctant to visit. Greater investment is needed in developing tourism infrastructure so that Indonesia can take advantage of the abundant tourism potential throughout the country.

Related Party Collaboration

The importance of coordination between central and regional governments in developing the tourism sector cannot be ignored. In order to achieve this goal, there needs to be comprehensive cooperation between the two parties. In this way, the development of the tourism sector can be carried out more effectively and efficiently.

One of the things that needs to be immediately improved is the infrastructure leading to the tourism area. Good and guaranteed infrastructure will facilitate tourist accessibility to various tourism destinations. Therefore, the government must immediately take steps to improve and expand existing infrastructure, such as roads, bridges and public transportation.

Apart from that, the government must also facilitate tourism actors to collaborate. With collaboration between tourism actors, be they hotels, restaurants or travel agents, the tourism sector can develop better. The government can provide support and incentives to tourism actors so that they can work together in promoting Indonesian tourism destinations together.

It is important for local governments to strive to improve the quality of human resources in the tourism sector. One step that can be taken is to provide education to communities in tourism areas. By providing education, the community can become a strong support system in developing the tourism sector. They will have the knowledge and skills necessary to support tourism development in their area.

Apart from that, the community around the tourism area must also be an important part in the success of development programs in the tourism sector. They can play an active role in maintaining the cleanliness and beauty of tourism areas, as well as providing friendly service to tourists. In this way, tourism in the area will continue to develop and attract tourist interest.

Local governments also need to provide adequate support and facilities for the people of tourism areas. This can include the development of adequate infrastructure, such as roads, transportation and other supporting facilities. With adequate facilities, it will be easier for communities to develop tourism potential in their area. Support from local governments is very important so that the tourism sector can develop well and provide maximum benefits for local communities.

B2B Marketplaces

There are many business opportunities that can be exploited in the tourism industry. One way is to build a tourism package marketplace platform with a B2B portal. With this platform, tourism service providers can sell their tour packages to travel agents or other interested parties. This platform must be comprehensive, structured and systemic, making it easier for users to search for and buy the tour packages they want. Apart from that, this platform must also have content in various languages, so that it can reach international markets.

With this tour package marketplace platform, the tourism industry can develop more rapidly. Tourism service providers will have wider access to market their products to potential customers. Apart from that, with content in various languages, this platform can also attract tourists from various countries. This will help increase the number of tourist visits to a destination, thereby having a positive impact on the local economy.

Apart from that, this tour package marketplace platform can also provide benefits for travel agents. They can easily search for and purchase tour packages that suit their customers' needs. With a structured and systemic system, travel agents can quickly find the tour package they are looking for, and carry out transactions easily and safely. Thus, this platform can help increase the efficiency and productivity of travel agents in running their business.

B2C Marketplaces

One business opportunity that can be explored in the tourism industry is to build a tourism package marketplace platform through a B2C portal. This platform must be comprehensive, structured and systemic, and have content in various languages. With this platform, tourism businesses can sell their tour packages online to tourists from various countries.

In building this tour package marketplace platform, it is important to pay attention to tourists' needs and preferences. Content in various languages will make it easier for foreign tourists to find and understand information about the tour packages offered. Additionally, a well-organized structure and system will provide a better experience for platform users.

With this comprehensive and systemic tourism package marketplace platform, it is hoped that it can increase the growth of the tourism industry. Tourism business players can expand their market reach and attract tourists from various countries. Apart from that, with content in various languages, foreign tourists will feel more comfortable and helped in finding information about the tour packages they want.

B2C Marketplaces

One business opportunity that can be explored in the tourism industry is to build a tourism package marketplace platform through a B2C portal. This platform must be comprehensive, structured and systemic, and have content in various languages. With this platform, tourism businesses can sell their tour packages online to tourists from various countries.

In building this tour package marketplace platform, it is important to pay attention to tourists' needs and preferences. Content in various languages will make it easier for foreign tourists to find and understand information about the tour packages offered. Additionally, a well-organized structure and system will provide a better experience for platform users.

With this comprehensive and systemic tourism package marketplace platform, it is hoped that it can increase the growth of the tourism industry. Tourism business players can expand their market reach and attract tourists from various countries. Apart from that, with content in various languages, foreign tourists will feel more comfortable and helped in finding information about the tour packages they want.

City Pass

There are other interesting business opportunities for the tourism industry, namely by presenting City Passes in every tourist destination city. For example, Jakarta Pass, Bandung City Pass, Bali City Pass, and many more. This City Pass functions as a transportation ticket and entry ticket to tourist attractions in each city. With this City Pass, new tourism businesses will emerge in every city which will of course create new jobs.

With the City Pass, tourists will find it easier and more practical to access various tourist attractions in the city. They only need to buy one City Pass ticket which includes transportation and entrance tickets to tourist attractions. This will certainly save time and costs for tourists. Apart from that, with this City Pass, entrepreneurs in the tourism sector will also get greater profits because there will be an increase in the number of tourist visits.

Not only that, the presence of the City Pass will also have a positive impact on the economy of each tourist destination city. With the new tourism business, new jobs will be created for the local community. In addition, with the increasing number of tourist visits, there will be an increase in income from the tourism sector. This will have a positive impact on the city's economic growth. So, City Pass not only provides convenience for tourists, but also provides great economic benefits for tourist destination cities.

Collaboration of Tourism Actors

Tour Operator with Transportation Service Provider

Tour operators in each city work with public transportation companies in the region to take tourists to the city's tourist attractions. That way, individual tourists can explore the city without having to join a small or large group. But you can individually travel to tourist destinations.

This collaboration must be built systematically and comprehensively so that it can be realized well. With good cooperation between tour operators and public transportation companies, tourists can enjoy their tour more comfortably and smoothly.

With solid cooperation between tour operators and public transportation companies, individual tourists can feel more flexible and independent in exploring their destination cities. This will provide a more enjoyable and satisfying tourism experience for tourists.

Operatr Tour with B2B / B2C Marketplace Providers

Tour operator entities can become suppliers

Tour operator service providers collaborate with the B2B / B2C Marketplace platform so that it becomes an effective way to improve the marketing performance of the tour package business. As a tour operator, you can become a service provider for Travel Agents who want to sell tour packages through this platform. By joining as a supplier, you can reach more potential customers and increase the visibility of your business.

By becoming a supplier on the B2B / B2C Marketplace, you can also expand your market reach. Through the platform, you can offer your tour packages to various entities, be they travel agents, companies, or even direct consumers. This can help you increase sales and expand your business footprint in the tourism market.

Additionally, collaborating with B2B/B2C Marketplace platforms can also help in managing inventory and sales more efficiently. With the features provided by the platform, you can easily manage tour packages, prices and service availability. This way, tour operators can focus on providing the best experience for customers without having to worry about complicated administration and marketing of their business.

Tour Operators, Transportation Service Providers Become Suppliers for City Pass Providers

City Pass companies can work with tour operators and transportation service providers to become their suppliers. By collaborating with them, City Pass can offer more attractive and complete tour packages to their customers. Tour operators and transportation service providers can also benefit from this collaboration by getting more customers through City Pass.

Collaboration between City Pass companies and tour operators and transportation service providers can also provide benefits for both parties. City Pass can offer more diverse and attractive tour packages to their customers, while tour operators and transportation service providers can increase their passenger numbers through this collaboration. Thus, this collaboration can be a win-win solution for all parties involved.

By collaborating with tour operators and transportation service providers, City Pass companies can expand their range of services and offer a more complete tourism experience to their customers. This collaboration can also help City Pass to increase their competitiveness in the tourism market. Thus, collaboration with tour operators and transportation service providers can be a smart strategy for City Pass in developing their business.

City Pass Provider with Marketing Agent

Apart from that, with the City Pass, a new entity will emerge in the form of City Pass marketing business services. This will make it easier for City Card providers because they no longer need to market directly, but can distribute to City Pass marketing agent companies.

With the existence of City Pass marketing services, it is hoped that more and more people will know about the existence of City Pass and the benefits that can be obtained by using this card. This will help increase the popularity of the City pass and make it even more popular with the public.

With the existence of a City Pass marketing agent company, it is hoped that City Card distribution will be wider and easier to access by the public. This will make it easier for people to get a City pass and enjoy the various benefits the card offers.


By understanding the problems of the tourism sector, it will be easy to formulate development policies in this sector. So that problems and challenges can become new opportunities in increasing the growth of the Indonesian tourism industry. So that foreign tourists can flock to visit tourist attractions in Indonesia. Both individual tourists and groups can easily visit Indonesia. So that in the next few years, the tourism industry must be able to become a strategic sector of the Indonesian economy.

The author is the owner of hartonojourney.xyz and member of ASPPI, lives in Tangerang

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