What is the main language in Indonesia?
Indonesian is the official and national language used in Indonesia. Indonesian is the official language of communication, which is used in the learning process at school and in broadcasting on digital and electronic media. Most Indonesian people have their own regional languages and distinctive dialects, the most common of which are Javanese and Sundanese. Apart from that, Chinese tribes in Indonesia also still use several typical Chinese dialects, especially Hokkien in Medan and Teochew in Pontianak.
Do Indonesians understand and can speak English?
English is not widely spoken in Indonesia, but in large cities and tourist destinations including Bali, Batam, Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Yogyakarta, a basic level of English can be understood by local people. In addition, most hotel and airline staff can communicate in English at a basic to moderate level.
What phrases in Indonesian can help me?
Indonesian pronunciation is relatively easy to master, because each letter represents the same sound and most of the letters are pronounced like the letters in English.
The following are some examples of common phrases in Indonesian that can be used in conversation:
Good Morning = Selamat Pagi
Good Day = Selamat Siang
Good Afternoon = Selamat Sore
Good Evening/Good Night = Selamat Malam
Goodbye = Selamat Tinggal
How are you? = Apa Kabar
I’m Fine/Good/Great = Baik-baik (as an answer to Apa Kabar)
Excuse me = Permisi
Sorry = Maaf
Please = Silahkan
Help! = Tolong!
Thank You = Terima Kasih
You’re Welcome = Terima kasih Kembali
Yes = Ya
Tidak = No
Mr/Sir = Bapak
Ms/Ms/Madam = Ibu
Miss = Nona
How much/many = Berapa
How much is it (price)? = Berapa Harganya?
Where is… = Dimana….
How to get There = bagaimana caranya kesana?
I want… = Saya Mau…
I don’t want… = Saya Tidak Mau…..
Photo and narrative sorce; indonesia.travel