Trans Metro Dewata is an integrated bus transportation system in Bali

 Trans Metro Dewata is an integrated bus transportation system that has been operating since September 7, 2020 in Bali, particularly in Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar, and Tabanan. This service is a program by the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia through the Directorate General of Land Transportation, and Bali is the third service after Palembang and Surakarta in the Buy The Service/BTS Teman Bus program. PT Satria Trans Jaya is the operator responsible for the operational service of Trans Metro Dewata. The operational costs of Trans Metro Dewata are fully subsidized by the central government.

Trans Metro Dewata is one of the road-based mass transportation developments subsidized by the government, complementing the existing Trans Sarbagita bus service. This bus is designed to support the mobility of the community, integrated with other mass transportation services. The aim of this program is to further increase public interest in using public transportation, thereby reducing the use of private vehicles, which is expected to alleviate traffic congestion and air pollution in Bali. Trans Metro Dewata was inaugurated by the Governor of Bali, I Wayan Koster, and the Director General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, Budi Setiyadi, on September 7, 2020, at Pasar Badung, Denpasar City. A total of 105 buses are operated to serve the 4 corridors of Trans Metro Dewata.

The Trans Metro Dewata bus route has already passed through various tourist destinations. The current fare for Trans Metro Dewata bus is Rp 4,400 for general passengers. It is mandatory for passengers to carry an electronic money card/QRIS.

Bus - KOR. 1B - Kuta Parking Center - KOR Preparation Terminal. 1BSentral Kuta Parking - Pesisian Terminal

Bus - KOR. 2B - Ubung Terminal - Ngurah Rai Airport KOR. 2BUbung Terminal - Ngurah Rai Airport

Bus - KOR. 3B - Ubung Terminal - Matahari Terbit Beach KOR. 3BTerminal Ubung - Matahari Terbit Beach

Bus - KOR. 4B - Gor Ngurah Rai - Monkey Forest KOR. 4BGor Ngurah Rai - Monkey Forest

Bus - KOR. 5B - Kuta Parking Center - Bali State Polytechnic KOR. 5BSentral Kuta Parking - Bali State Polytechnic

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