The origin of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park

 The origin of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area is as follows:

- The Pasir Tengger Sea Nature Reserve covering an area of 5,250 hectares, designated by the Decree of the Governor of the Dutch East Indies on February 21, 1919 No. 6 Stbl. 1919 No.90.

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- The Ranu Kumbolo Nature Reserve covering an area of 1,340 hectares, designated by the Decree of the Governor of the Dutch East Indies on May 4, 1936 No. 18 Stbl. 1936 No. 209.

- The Ranu Pani - Ranu Regulo Nature Reserve covering an area of 96 hectares, designated by the Decree of the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies on December 8, 1922 No.22 Stbl. 1922 no. 765, and later changed to the Ranu Pani-Ranu Regulo Tourist Park by the Minister of Agriculture Decree No. 442/Kpts/Um/6/1981 dated June 12, 1981.

- The Ranu Darungan Tourist Park covering an area of 380 hectares, designated by the Minister of Agriculture Decree No. 508/Kpts/Um/6/1981 dated May 21, 1981.

- The Pasir Sea Tengger Tourist Park covering an area of 2.67 hectares, a change in status from the Tengger Pasir Sea Nature Reserve, designated by the Minister of Agriculture Decree No. 198/Kpts/Um/5/1981 dated March 13, 1981.

- Production Forests and Protected Forests managed by Perum Perhutani Unit II East Java covering an area of 43,210.20 hectares.

#Taman Nasional [National Park]

Flora in TNBTS [Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru] 

In the TNBTS area, there are at least 1,025 species of flora. Research conducted by LIPI and BBTNBTS reveals that the core zone of the TNBTS area is dominated by several families, namely Moraceae, Araliaceae, Meliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Apocynaceae. In the shrub layer, the forest is dominated by the families Solanaceae, Rubiaceae, Verbenaceae, and Zingiberaceae, as well as several types of lianas belonging to the families Piperaceae, Araceae, and Polypodiaceae.

In this area, there are 158 species of orchids, 40 of which are classified as rare, including Malaxis purpureonervosa (endemic to South Semeru) and Habenaria tosariensis (endemic to TNBTS). Meanwhile, Macodes pentola is a type of orchid protected by law.

The TNBTS area is also known as the "Land of Edelweiss". In this area, three types of Edelweiss have been identified: Anaphalis longofilia, Anaphalis javanica, and Anaphalis viscida.



According to the TNBTS data in 2015, there are 38 (thirty-eight) protected species of wildlife according to Government Regulation No. 7 of 1999 concerning the Conservation of Plant and Animal Species, consisting of 24 avian species, 11 mammal species, 1 reptile species, and 2 insect species.

A. Avian Species

The TNBTS area is a habitat for 118 bird species, some of which are protected under Government Regulation No. 7/1999 concerning the Conservation of Plant and Animal Species, including the Javan Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus bartelsi), Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus), Red-Backed Sea-Eagle (Falco mauccensis), Green Peafowl (Pavo muticus), Blue-Banded Kingfisher (Halcyon cyanopventris), Oriental Darter (Pericrocatus miniatus), and Great Tit (Parus mayor). Based on time-series inventories in this area, there are at least 14 Javan Hawk-Eagles in the PTN Resort in Bendolawang and Coban Trisula.

B. Mammal Species

There are 18 mammal species found in the TNBTS area, and 14 of them have high conservation value, including the Malayan Pangolin (Manis javanica), Javan Leopard (Panthera pardus), Javan Langur (Trachypithecus auratus), Malayan Porcupine (Hystrix branchyura), Laricus sp., and Indian Muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak). Among these species, the Javan Leopard and Javan Langur are prioritized for conservation. In mid-2016, trap cameras installed by BBTNBTS successfully captured an image of a Panthera pardus in Gunung Kukusan, PTN Resort Coban Trisula, PTN Section II, PTN Field I.

The Javan Langur is an endemic primate species of Java and Bali. Its low reproductive rate and lack of mating season limit its population. Trachypithecus auratus only has a single offspring, so damage to its habitat is feared to cause a decline in population. This species can be found in the Ireng-Ireng Block and Coban Trisula. In 2006, 

C. Reftile

Based on the inventory results, there are at least 11 reptile species in the TNBTS area, including: Javan Spitting Cobra (Naja sputatrix), Dog-faced Water Snake (Cerberus rynchops), Green Pit Viper (Cryptelytrops albolabris), Red-necked Keelback (Agkistrodon rhodostoma), and Tree Lizard (Bronchocela kuhlii).

D, Insect

Based on the inventory results, there are at least 14 insect species found in the TNBTS area, including: Orange Tip Butterfly (Delias aurantiaca), Common Albatross Butterfly (Appias lyncida), Common Bluebottle Butterfly (Graphium sarpedon), Common Jay Butterfly (Papilio amphrysus), Paris Peacock Butterfly (Papilio paris), and Cuneate Blue Butterfly (Triodes cuneifera).

4 Bromo Entrances

For your information, before heading to the Bromo Entrance Gate, tourists will generally transit in Malang City / Surabaya City. Because these 2 cities are located quite close and have complete facilities, such as hotels / accommodation, transportation facilities (airport / train station / terminal) and direct road access to Bromo.

If you want to transit first in Surabaya, you can choose the route via Pasuruan and Probolinggo. However, if transiting in Malang, please go straight to the Bromo entrance which is in the Jemplang / Gubukklakah area or you can also go via Pasuruan / Purwodadi.

The following is a list of entrances and routes that can be taken to Bromo:

Via Malang
As one of the areas that has access to the Bromo Entrance Gate, Malang is in great demand as a transit city. Because the distance is only about 1.5 hours' drive and there are many facilities to support tourist activities.

To get to Bromo from Malang, you can head east, specifically to Tumpang District. After that, continue to Poncokusumo District, continue the journey to Gubukklakah Village - Ngadas Village.

Ngadas Village is the entrance to Bromo from Malang as well as the rest area or place to rent a Bromo Jeep. After that you will pass through the Jemplang area, there is an intersection / T-junction, please turn left (if you go straight towards Ranupane Village / Mount Semeru Climbing Post).

After turning left, you will enter the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park tourist area, precisely through the Padang Savana / Teletubbies Hill area.

Via Pasuruan
There are 2 routes to Bromo via Pasuruan, namely via Purwodadi / Nongkojajar and via Pasrepan.

Via Purwodadi / Nongkojajar
The Bromo route via Nongkojajar is often passed by tourists departing from Surabaya / Malang. The route is from Purwodadi, please head to Nongkojajar District then to Tosari. After that, continue to Wonokitri Village which is the entrance to Bromo from Pasuruan.

Via Pasuruan City / Pasrepan
The second route is via Pasrepan, this route can be taken if you leave via the center of Pasuruan City. The route is from Pasuruan City, please head to the Warungdowo area, after that continue to Ranggeh and Pasrepan. From Pasrepan, continue your journey towards Puspo until you reach Tosari.
Arriving in Tosari, you still have to continue your journey to Wonokitri Bromo Village. In this village, tourists will usually rest for a while and change vehicles using a Jeep / Toyota hardtop 4X4 to enter the Bromo Tourist Area.

If you want to find accommodation, you can book a hotel in Pasuruan near Bromo. Such as at the Plataran Bromo Hotel, Lereng Bromo Hotel, etc.

Via Probolinggo
The Bromo route from Probolinggo could be the best choice for those of you who are afraid of going through steep and winding roads. Because the contour of the road via Probolinggo is quite sloping and wide, it is passed by many tourists who come in large groups / using Elf Long / Tourist Buses.

If you depart from Surabaya, you can take the Surabaya – Probolinggo toll road. Exit the toll gate, continue the journey to Sukapura District, then to Ngadisari. After that, continue until you arrive at Cemoro Lawang. Cemoro Lawang Village is the entrance to Bromo from Probolinggo.

Oh yes, if you go this route, you will find many hotels in Probolinggo near Bromo, ranging from cheap accommodation to luxury hotels such as Hotel Jiwa Jawa Bromo, Whiz Hotel, Bromo Terrace etc.

Via Lumajang
The route to Bromo via Lumajang can be reached via Senduro District. Later it will penetrate the Jemplang area (the same as the route via Malang).

Procedure for booking entrance tickets for climbing Mount BTS National Park online.
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