The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy will again present the Indonesian Pavilion at ITB Berlin 2024

Jakarta, March 8 2024 - Indonesia through the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf) is again participating in the world's largest annual tourism exhibition Internationale Tourismus-Borse (ITB) Berlin which will take place from 5 to 7 March 2024 in Berlin Expo Center, Messe Berlin.

Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Angela Tanoesoedibjo (center) opens the Indonesian Pavilion at the world's largest annual tourism exhibition ITB Berlin at the Berlin Expo Center, Germany, Wednesday (6/3/2024).

Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Deputy Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Wamenparekraf/Wakabaparekraf) Angela Tanoesoedibjo had the opportunity to lead the Wonderful Indonesia delegation which this time collaborated with various elements of Pentahelix. Namely PPI Germany for academic representatives, 93 tourism industry players as representatives of business elements, the German diaspora as community representatives, South Sulawesi BPPD, DKI Jakarta Tourism Department, the Indonesian Embassy as government representatives, and Deutsche Welle, Metro TV, and TVOne as media representatives.

Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Angela in her statement, Friday (8/3/2024), said that all parties involved occupied the Indonesian pavilion covering an area of 396 m2 in Hall 26A Number 113 with the theme "Keep The Wonders: Journey Across Destinations".

"In addition to carrying out collaborative marketing with 93 tourism industry players consisting of accommodation service providers (hotels) and Travel Agents/Tour Operators from Indonesia who are not only targeting the German market, but the global market, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Baparekraf is collaborating with the national airline Garuda Indonesia, to "jointly present the Indonesian Pavilion at the ITB Berlin 2024 event in order to promote and sell various Indonesian tourism products on the largest tourism exchange in the world," said Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Angela.

By carrying the theme of sustainable tourism, participating tourism industry players offer tourism packages that are sustainable and of high quality in accordance with the high value traveler segment which is targeted in the long-haul markets.

"This year, the Indonesian Pavilion is dominated by green because we have adopted the tagline ReGREENerative Tourism, which combines Regenerative and Green Tourism, a philosophy where we not only minimize the negative impact of tourism but also actively contribute to the regeneration of the local ecosystem, economy and culture. "In short, we are trying to make a destination better," said Angela.

He said, Regenerative Tourism strives to maintain environmental sustainability and empower human, natural and local cultural resources through responsible purchasing, supporting local economy, act of giving to locals, minimizing plastic usage, sustainable oriented activities, and choosing the sustainable tour operator.

"For 2023, the number of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia will reach 11.7 million, almost double compared to the previous year which reached 5.8 million visits. "The number of national tourist trips was 7.5 million or an increase of 112.26 percent compared to 2022. This shows that Indonesian tourism has recovered very strongly," said Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Angela.

Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Main Secretary of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, Ni Wayan Giri Adnyani, said that the involvement of all industries in this activity is expected to achieve the target of potential transactions at ITB Berlin 2024 of 330 thousand pax or a foreign exchange target of IDR 5.5 trillion.

"The big target is to strengthen the achievement of the target for foreign tourist visits in 2024 of 9.5 to 14.3 million foreign tourists," said Giri.

In the future, by continuing to implement tourism programs under the 3G umbrella (Geber, Gercep, Gaspol), the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy will continue to implement various programs such as tourism exhibitions, sales missions, integrated cooperation programs, familiarization trips, and the Wonderful Indonesia festival.

"We are implementing all of these programs to elevate and maintain Indonesian tourist destinations in the international world," said Giri.

In this activity, the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy was accompanied by the Deputy for Industry and Investment at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Baparekraf, Rizki Handayani; Director of Regional Tourism Marketing II Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf, Cecep Rukendi; as well as the Director of Financing Access at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Baparekraf, Anggara Hayun.

Also present were the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Federal Republic of Germany, Arif Havas Oegroseno; Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia Hamburg-Germany, Renata Siagian; and Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia Frankfurt-Germany, Antonius Yudi Triantoro.

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