The charm of Nature Tourism in Sumbawa Island

 Pulau Kenawa [Kenawa Island

The journey to Kenawa Island begins with a land trip from Lombok Island through Kayangan Port in East Lombok, which takes about 3 hours. It is then followed by a ferry ride to Poto Tano Port in West Sumbawa, which usually lasts 1-2 hours. 

To reach Kenawa Island, tourists must walk a few minutes from Poto Tano Port to a small port near the local settlement heading towards Kenawa Island. From this port, tourists will be taken to Kenawa Island using a fisherman's boat or a rented boat at a slightly higher cost. The journey to Kenawa Island takes about 20-30 minutes. However, during the trip, tourists can enjoy the beauty of the small and charming islands along the way.

Upon arriving at this 13.8-hectare island, visitors will be greeted with a combination of hilly nature, vast savannah fields, and the blue stretch of the beach, making the nature of Kenawa Island incredibly beautiful and impressive.

Puncak Mantar

The Summit of Mantar is situated at the peak of Mount Mantar, which stands at an elevation of 650 meters in a village that shares the same name. At the Summit of Mantar, tourists can witness the beauty of both sunrise and sunset. From the west side, one can enjoy the view of Lombok Island, the Alas Strait, and other small islands in the surrounding waters. Meanwhile, looking towards the east, one will be captivated by the enchanting sight of the rising sun.

The location of Puncak Mantar offers a breathtaking panoramic view that showcases the natural splendor of the region. Visitors are treated to a picturesque scene that includes not only the majestic mountains and lush landscapes but also the tranquil waters and distant islands. The vantage point from the Summit of Mantar provides a unique perspective that allows travelers to appreciate the beauty of both the land and the sea.

Maluk Beach

Located on the southern coast of Maluk Beach, the "super suck" in Sumbawa Island is a renowned surfing spot among international surfers. Visitors can also enjoy the promising surrounding environment with beautiful views while relaxing on the beach. There are plenty of accommodations and hotels around Maluk Beach, enhancing your comfort during your visit here.

The waves at the "super suck" in Maluk Beach are known for their quality and consistency, making it a favorite destination for surfers seeking thrilling experiences. The beach's picturesque setting adds to the overall charm of the place, providing a tranquil escape for those looking to unwind and appreciate nature's beauty. With various lodging options available nearby, tourists can easily find suitable accommodations to suit their preferences.

Whether you are an experienced surfer looking for challenging waves or a traveler seeking a peaceful retreat by the sea, Maluk Beach offers something for everyone. The combination of world-class surfing conditions and breathtaking scenery makes it a must-visit destination for surf enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Plan your trip to Maluk Beach to experience the perfect blend of adventure and relaxation in a stunning tropical setting.

Those who make the journey to Puncak Mantar are rewarded with a truly unforgettable experience that highlights the wonders of nature. Whether it is witnessing the sun as it paints the sky with vibrant hues during sunrise or watching it dip below the horizon during sunset, the Summit of Mantar offers a magical setting for travelers to immerse themselves in the beauty of the natural world. With its stunning views and serene surroundings, Puncak Mantar is a destination that leaves a lasting impression on all who visit.

Sekongkang Beach

Sekongkang Beach on Sumbawa Island is a renowned surfing destination that has gained international recognition. Known locally as "yoyo's," this beach offers excellent fishing spots along its coastline and in the surrounding waters. The coral reef formation of this surfing beach is adorned with a variety of marine life, making it a popular spot for both surfers and nature enthusiasts alike.

Venture up the hill and you will be treated to a breathtaking panoramic view of the captivating coastline stretching far into the distance. The picturesque scenery of Sekongkang Beach is truly mesmerizing, attracting visitors from all over the world who seek to experience the beauty of this natural wonder. Whether you are an avid surfer or simply looking to immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature, this beach offers something for everyone to enjoy.

With its crystal-clear waters, diverse marine ecosystem, and world-class surfing conditions, Pantai Sekongkang on Sumbawa Island stands out as a must-visit destination for those seeking adventure and relaxation in equal measure. Whether you prefer to ride the waves or simply bask in the beauty of the surroundings, this beach has something special to offer every visitor who sets foot on its sandy shores. Experience the magic of Sekongkang Beach and create unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime.

Moyo Island

Located to the north of Sumbawa Island, Pulau Moyo spans an area of around 30,000 hectares and is surrounded by the Saleh Strait. Easily accessible with just a one-hour motorboat ride from Badas port in Sumbawa, this island is a haven for nature enthusiasts. Pulau Moyo is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including wild boars, deer, and captivating bird species, making it a popular destination for tourists seeking an authentic natural experience.

The allure of Pulau Moyo lies not only in its terrestrial beauty but also in its marine wonders, making it a renowned spot for marine tourism. Visitors can enjoy snorkeling and scuba diving in the crystal-clear waters surrounding the island, where vibrant coral formations and a plethora of marine life await exploration. For those looking for accommodation, Tanjung Pasir offers simple lodges as well as the luxurious Amanwana Hotel, where even royalty like Lady Di have stayed, providing a comfortable stay for those willing to splurge.

Immerse yourself in the underwater paradise of Pulau Moyo by exploring the stunning coral reefs and encountering a variety of marine creatures such as tropical fish, green turtles, and star turtles. Whether snorkeling in the eastern part of Stemme Reef or diving near the western beaches close to Amanwana and Labuhan Haji, the marine biodiversity of Pulau Moyo is sure to leave a lasting impression on visitors. With its rich natural landscapes and vibrant marine ecosystems, Pulau Moyo offers a truly unforgettable experience for travelers from around the globe.

Air Terjun Ai Beling [Ai Beling Waterfall]

Air terjun Ai’ Beling is located in Desa Brangrea, Moyo Hulu District, Sumbawa Regency, NTB. Desa Brangrea is situated south of Sumbawa Besar city. Ai’ Beling is nestled within the forest where the Sultan used to hunt.

The journey from Mataram city or directly from Lombok International Airport will be rewarded with a truly enchanting view of the waterfall. The crystal-clear water flows from the stunning waterfall. The flow is not too strong but stretches long and in tiers.

To reach this location, you do not need to worry as the road is good and smoothly paved. The beauty and tranquility of Air terjun Ai’ Beling make it a perfect spot for nature lovers and those seeking a peaceful retreat in the midst of lush greenery.

Hu'u and Lakey

Hu'u, located on the southern coast, is renowned for offering some of the finest waves in the world that are highly sought after by surfers. These waves are characterized by their long, tube-shaped formations that culminate at the distant coral reefs of Periskop Nangas, Lakey Peak, Pipeline, Cobblestones, and Nangadoros. It is not uncommon for international surfing competitions to take place in this region, attracting teams from around the globe to showcase their skills in the challenging waters.

When the tide is low, visitors have the opportunity to explore the coral reefs along the beach, providing a unique chance to observe the diverse marine life that thrives in the water-filled crevices of the coral. This experience allows individuals to witness firsthand the beauty and complexity of the underwater ecosystem, offering a glimpse into the fascinating world beneath the surface. The chance to interact with marine animals in their natural habitat adds an element of excitement and wonder to the visit.

Hu'u's coastal region offers not only exceptional surfing conditions but also a rich marine environment that beckons visitors to explore and appreciate the wonders of the underwater world. The combination of world-class waves and diverse marine life makes Hu'u a must-visit destination for surfers and nature enthusiasts alike. Whether one is seeking the thrill of riding the waves or the tranquility of observing marine creatures, Hu'u provides a unique and unforgettable experience for all who venture to its shores.

Satonda Island

Located off the northern coast of Sumbawa Island, Pulau Satonda is a pristine island that is often referred to as Satonda Peak, standing at an elevation of 289 meters above sea level. The island covers an area of approximately 4.8 square kilometers. At the center of the island, there is a saltwater crater lake measuring around 150 by 200 meters, with a depth of 70 meters.

Prior to the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815, the lake was a freshwater lake. However, the violent eruption caused seawater to spill into the lake, turning its water salty and leading to the emergence of life in the lake. Nevertheless, the fish inhabiting the lake can only grow up to a length of no more than 5cm.

The unique ecosystem of Pulau Satonda, with its saltwater lake and limited fish growth, makes it a fascinating destination for those interested in natural wonders. The transformation of the lake from freshwater to saltwater due to a volcanic eruption adds to the island's allure, attracting visitors who are intrigued by its geological history and ecological diversity.

Mount Tambora

On the northern coast of Pulau, the eruption of Mount Tambora is known as the largest volcanic eruption in the world and the most dominant on the northern peninsula of Sumbawa Island. Standing at 2851 meters high, densely forested, and surrounded by a thick belt of rainforest, it is quite a different sight. Something peculiar compared to the aridity of the peninsula in general.

The journey to the giant crater of Tambora begins and is planned from a small village called Pancasila. Located at the foot of the mountain not far from Celabai. The trek to the summit of Tambora takes two nights, camping, and passing through the forest, and another night of climbing.

In the historical records, the eruption of Mount Tambora is known as the largest volcanic eruption in the world and the most dominant on the northern peninsula of Sumbawa Island. Standing at 2851 meters high, densely forested, and surrounded by a thick belt of rainforest, it is quite a different sight. Something peculiar compared to the aridity of the peninsula in general.

Bombo Ncera Waterfall

Located in the village of Ncera, Belo District, Bima Regency, NTB, the Bombo Ncera waterfall boasts a height of 5 meters. Its calming green water offers a truly breathtaking natural view. Additionally, there are several natural swimming pools surrounded by natural stone walls and cliffs.

These pools include Bombo To'i (Small Bombo), used as a bathing spot for children, Bombo Woha (Middle Bombo), where young adults who are not yet proficient swimmers can bathe as the water only reaches shoulder height for adults, and Bombo Na'e (Big Bombo), a bathing spot for those who are skilled swimmers. Bombo Na'e is the largest pool, measuring approximately 4 meters wide and 10 meters long.

The Bombo Ncera waterfall and its surrounding natural pools provide a serene and picturesque setting for visitors to enjoy. Whether it's taking a refreshing dip in one of the pools or simply admiring the beauty of the waterfall, this destination offers a peaceful escape into nature. The combination of lush greenery, clear water, and unique rock formations make Bombo Ncera a must-visit location for those seeking a tranquil and beautiful natural environment.


Located in the northeast of Bima Regency, Sape is a popular destination for tourists who want to visit the Komodo Island in East Nusa Tenggara. Sape is situated 4 km away from Labuan Sape. The culture in this eastern region differs from other cultures. The beaches from North Lamere Dairi to Matambolo are perfect for swimming, relaxing, and enjoying the sunset.

Sape, which is positioned in the northeastern part of Bima Regency, serves as the main gateway for tourists who wish to explore the famous Komodo Island in East Nusa Tenggara. Situated just 4 km away from Labuan Sape, Sape offers a distinct cultural experience compared to other regions. The stunning beaches stretching from North Lamere Dairi to Matambolo provide an ideal setting for swimming, unwinding, and witnessing breathtaking sunsets.

Nestled in the northeastern corner of Bima Regency, Sape is a sought-after destination for tourists planning to visit the renowned Komodo Island in East Nusa Tenggara. With its close proximity of 4 km to Labuan Sape, Sape offers a unique cultural ambiance that sets it apart from other areas. The picturesque beaches along the North Lamere Dairi to Matambolo stretch are perfect for indulging in swimming, relaxation, and capturing the mesmerizing beauty of sunset.

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