Mount Gede Pangrango, West Java is suitable for beginner climbers with physical and mental preparation

Mount Gede is a prominent peak in West Java, Indonesia, known for its challenging hiking trails and stunning views of the surrounding landscape. It is a popular destination for both experienced hikers and nature enthusiasts looking to explore the diverse flora and fauna of the region. The mountain is part of the Gede Pangrango National Park, which is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species.

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Mount Pangrango, located adjacent to Mount Gede, is another iconic mountain in West Java that offers visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature. With its lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and unique wildlife, Pangrango provides a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Hikers can enjoy a challenging trek to the summit, where they can witness breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding area.

Both Mount Gede and Mount Pangrango are not only popular hiking destinations but also important ecological sites that play a crucial role in preserving the biodiversity of the region. Visitors to these mountains are encouraged to practice responsible tourism by following designated trails, respecting the natural environment, and supporting conservation efforts in the area. By appreciating and protecting these natural wonders, we can ensure that future generations will also have the opportunity to experience the beauty of Mount Gede and Mount Pangrango.

Route from Jakarta Soekarno Hatta Airport to the Putri trail

Travel time 2 hours 32 minutes, with a distance of 122.3 km via Jl. Jakarta Outer Ring Road 2.
Travelers have the option to utilize a shuttle car service from Jakarta Soekarno Hatta Airport that goes directly to Cianjur. The shuttle car will make a stop at Cibodas where passengers can disembark. From there, travelers can continue their journey by taking a motorcycle taxi to reach the basecamp for the hiking trail via Putri.

Where are the entrances to the climbing route to Mount Gede Pangrango?
The popular Mount Gede in the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGGP) offers three hiking trails: Gunung Putri, Cibodas, and Selabintana. Among these three, the Gunung Putri trail is the most favored by hikers. 

How long does it take to climb Mount Gede Pangrango?
The ascent to the summit of Mount Gede Pangrango takes approximately 4 hours from the basecamp. Due to its relatively short duration, many climbers choose the Gunung Putri trail as it allows them to reach the peak faster. On the other hand, the Cibodas and Selabintana trails require up to 11 hours to reach the summit.

Is Mount Gede Pangrango suitable for beginner climbers?
 Mount Gede Pangrango is suitable for beginners as well. It is a must-visit destination for hikers, offering a relatively easy trek with well-built staircases along the way. However, proper preparation is still necessary to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Is climbing Mount Gede difficult?
The difficulty level of climbing Mount Gede. Climbing Mount Gede Surya via Kencana is classified as moderate to difficult depending on the chosen route and the physical condition of the climber. Some climbing paths have steep and rocky terrain, requiring caution and adequate physical preparedness.

It is important for climbers to assess their own physical fitness and choose the route that suits their capabilities. Proper preparation, including physical training and bringing necessary equipment, is essential to ensure a safe and successful climb. Climbing Mount Gede can be a challenging but rewarding experience for those who are well-prepared and have the right mindset.

Overall, the difficulty of climbing Mount Gede should not be underestimated. It is crucial for climbers to be aware of the challenges they may face and to approach the climb with respect for the mountain and nature. By being well-prepared and cautious, climbers can enjoy the beauty of the journey while ensuring their safety throughout the expedition.

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Terms and conditions for climbing Mount Gede Pangrango

"Every climber or group of climbers must have a climbing Conservation Area Entry Permit (SIMAKSI) issued by the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park Center (BTNGGP)," said the initial statement in the provisions.

1) Register online by filling in the application form completely according to the following stages:

a. Read, understand and agree to all the provisions stipulated by the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park Hall

b. Select the entrance and climbing dates that are still available

c. Choose the desired climbing destination, entrance, exit and exit date (2 days 1 night climb)

d. Fill in the climbing member number for climbers who already have a climbing member number

e. Register new members for those who don't have a Member Number, by filling in the climbing participant's biodata then uploading valid personal identification

f. Make payment for entrance tickets and insurance to the BBTNGGP account

g. Make sure the payment data has been received by checking your email or logging in via the Back application

2) Payment must be made no later than 2 hours after the registration date/time.

3) All prospective climbers are required to upload valid identity such as KTP, SIM, Student/Student Card, Passport, TNI/Polri Member Card or domicile certificate from the local RT/RW (for those who don't/haven't had an identity), and are not allowed to upload family cards, birth certificates, report cards, and the like.

4) For climbers under 5 years of age, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and does not receive life insurance, and prospective climbers under 17 years of age are required to attach a Parent/Guardian Permit accompanied by a photocopy of the parent/guardian's valid identity.

5) Climbing tours are made for groups of climbers with a minimum of 3 people and a maximum of 10 climbers.

6) To reduce the risk of accidents, it is highly recommended that each group of climbers have experienced climbers or use a guiding service.

7) The SIMAKSI exchange process is carried out:
a. Monday – Friday (07:00 WIB – 16:00 WIB)
b. Saturday – Sunday (06:00 WIB – 15:00 WIB)

8) Prospective climbers can only enter the climbing area between 06.00 to 18.00 WIB.

9) Viewing will be taken at the entrance and on the day of the registered climb.

10) Viewing Location:
a. Cibodas entrance at the BBTNGGP Office
b. Gunung Putri Door at Gunung Putri Resort
c. Selabintana Door at Selabintana Resort

11) Conditions for taking viewings:
a. Submit registration sheet for climbing Mount Gede Pangrango (validation draft)
b. Submit a Statement of Climbing Standards
c. Submit a Parent/Guardian Statement for climbers under 17 years of age

12) Every prospective climber is required to carry out a health examination on the "d" day of climbing (according to the date of climbing), proven by a Health Certificate from an official health service facility in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Climbing Health Examinations at TNGGP.

13) Foreign citizens (WNA) are required to register for climbing directly at the BBTNGGP Office, and use the services of a guide during the climb.

14) Prospective Indonesian citizen (WNI) climbers must be accompanied by a guide if they have special needs (people with disabilities) and/or are elderly.

15) Ticket rates (including insurance) for a 2 day 1 night climb, for one climber:
a. Indonesian Citizen (weekdays): Rp. 29,000,-
b. Indonesian citizens (holidays): IDR 34,000,-
c. Indonesian Citizen Students (weekdays): IDR 17,500 (must be 10 people with student ID)
d. Indonesian Citizen Students (holidays): Rp. 20,500,- (must be 10 people with student ID cards)
e. Foreigners (Working Days): IDR 320,000,-
f. Foreigners (Holidays): IDR 470,000,-

16) TNGGP is not responsible for the loss of a prospective climber's booking password and is deemed to have canceled the climb, and the fees paid cannot be returned.

17) Fees that have been paid cannot be returned (taken back) for any reason and will be deposited into the State Treasury.

18) BBTNGGP will carry out temporary (incidental) closures if there is a weather prediction from BMKG that there will be extreme weather that endangers the safety of visitors.

19) In the event of a closure, climbers who have booked online can reschedule the climb without paying again.

TNGGP Ascent Call Center Operator:
Tel: (0263) 2950977 (weekdays 08:00-16:00 WIB)
Whatsapp: 0263519415 (chat only)
Facebook fan page: @bookingtnggp
Instagram: @tn_pendakiangedepangrango

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