Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Holds Competency-Based Training to Improve Barista Skills in Lake Toba

Jakarta, March 6 2024 - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Badan Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf) held a Competency-Based Training (CBT) activity for baristas at Lake Toba as part of the commitment to develop human resources in the creative economy sector, especially in the culinary subsector. Martini Mohamad Paham, Deputy of Human Resources and Institutional Affairs of Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf, stated on Wednesday (6/03/2024) that the training, which took place on 20-21 February 2024 at Labersa Hotel & Convention Centre Toba, was a result of identifying the needs for human resource competency development in Toba Regency. This initiative also aims to support the organization of international events at Lake Toba, such as the F1 Powerboat (F1H2O).

"The purpose of this training is to optimize the potential and abilities of baristas in the areas surrounding Lake Toba. By enhancing competencies in knowledge and skills, it is hoped that they will develop a work attitude that aligns with international standards, making them more competitive," Martini said. 

This training program is designed to equip baristas with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles and contribute effectively to the growth of the culinary sector in the region. By investing in the development of human resources, Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf aims to elevate the quality of services provided by baristas and enhance their overall performance.

Through initiatives like the Competency-Based Training for baristas, Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf is demonstrating its dedication to nurturing talent and fostering a culture of excellence in the creative economy sector. By focusing on skill development and knowledge enhancement, the ministry is not only empowering individuals but also contributing to the overall growth and competitiveness of the culinary subsector. Such programs play a crucial role in ensuring that the workforce in the creative economy sector is well-equipped to meet the demands of the industry and deliver exceptional experiences to both domestic and international visitors.

Baristas have become one of the increasingly popular professions with many enthusiasts in Indonesia, as local coffee shops are popping up in various regions. Baristas are not only required to have in-depth knowledge about coffee and be experts in making coffee, but they must also be able to serve drinks well, with quality, and artistically.

Director of Human Resources Development of the Creative Economy, Fahmy Akmal, stated that training is conducted using the Barista SKKNI module with a pattern of 20 percent theory and 80 percent practice with speakers/instructors from the Professional Certification Institute (LSP) who are experts in the field of coffee and have been licensed by BNSP. This means that the speakers and instructors are nationally registered and accredited.

"Human resources in the creative economy sector are required to be quick in seizing business opportunities that can improve living standards, thus accelerating the recovery and increasing the productivity of human resources in the creative economy, through upskilling (competency enhancement), re-skilling (competency strengthening), creating job opportunities and business opportunities for superior, competent, and competitive human resources in the creative economy," Fahmy said.

Fahmy stated that the 50 competent PBK participants will proceed with competency certification facilitation provided by the Directorate of Competency Standardization. 

"Through this competency-based training, it is expected that the participants will gain benefits, not only in terms of their growing technical skills and knowledge, but also in honing their art of brewing coffee," Fahmy said.

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