Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Invites Investors from ASEAN to Invest in Indonesia's Tourism and Creative Economy Sector

Singapore, 7 March 2024 - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Menparekraf/Kabaparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno invited investors from ASEAN member countries to invest more capital in the country's tourism and creative economy sectors.

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno was a resource person in the UBS OneASEAN Summit 2024 discussion session at the Jasmine Ballroom, Marina Bay Sands Convention Center, Singapore, Tuesday (5/3/2024).

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga, when he was a resource person in the UBS OneASEAN Summit 2024 discussion session with the theme The Next Chapter of Indonesia Leadership which took place at the Jasmine Ballroom, Marina Bay Sands Convention Center, Singapore, Tuesday (5/3/2024) said that the current economic and political situation in Post-election Indonesia has become more conducive and progressive.

"The current and future governments are committed to providing investment certainty for investors with various investment conveniences and clear and faster regulations," said Sandiaga.

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga then assured investors not to hesitate to invest their capital and investments.

"Because every region in Indonesia has a preference for economic potential that grows well," he said.

For example, in 2022 the creative economy sector's support for Jakarta's Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) will reach 10.38 percent. This means that the creative and creative sector has a strategic role in encouraging good economic development.

On the other hand, tourism and the creative economy are leading sectors that contribute to the realization of national investment in 2023.

"Indonesia is charting a course towards a future where tourism thrives in harmony with nature, culture and society, in order to realize the sustainability of Indonesia's future development," said Sandiaga.

There are a number of investment opportunities that investors from ASEAN countries can target, including 8 Special Economic Zones (KEK) in the Creative Economy Sector, such as the Mandalika SEZ in Central Lombok, the Tanjung Kelayang SEZ in Belitung, the Likupang SEZ in North Minahasa, the Tanjung Lesung SEZ in Pandeglang , SEZ Nongsa in Batam, SEZ Lido in Bogor, SEZ Singhasari in Malang, and SEZ Morotai in the Morotai Islands.

And also investment offers in five Super Priority Destinations, including Borobudur, Lake Toba, Likupang, Mandalika and Labuan Bajo.

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