Kelimutu National Park: The color of Lake always changes unpredictably

One of the most captivating aspects of Lake Kelimutu is its ever-changing colors, which remain unpredictable and fascinating to behold. At times, the lakes showcase shades of blue, green, and black, while on other occasions, they transform into hues of white, red, and blue. During a recent sighting, a traveler was astonished to witness one of the lakes adorned in a deep brown shade, resembling a pond of delectable chocolate. It is worth noting that the east lake had previously exhibited a striking red color, while the middle lake boasted a serene blue hue. 

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 Lake Kelimutu, located within the boundaries of Kelimutu National Park, offers a truly mesmerizing and enigmatic experience. The park itself boasts impressive altitudes, with Mt Kelibara reaching a height of 5,679 feet (1,731 meters) and Mt Kelimutu standing tall at 5,544 feet (1,690 meters). This national park serves as a sanctuary for numerous endangered and endemic species, including the Floresian punai (Treron floris), Wallacea owl (Otus silvicola), Floresian kancilan (Pachycephala nudigula), Floresian eagle (Spizeatus floris), and Timorese tesia (Tesia everetti). 

Visiting Lake Kelimutu not only offers a visual feast for the eyes but also provides an opportunity to appreciate the park's rich biodiversity. With its stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife, Kelimutu National Park is a true gem that showcases the wonders of nature in all their glory.

Lake Kelimutu is an ideal destination for those seeking to discover something truly extraordinary. Despite being the smallest national park in the region, it boasts one of nature's most breathtaking marvels. Situated between Bali and the Nusa Tenggara islands, Mt Kelimutu National Park is home to three lakes that bear the same name as the mountain itself. These lakes, known as the "boiling lake," each possess their own unique colors and are believed to be the final resting place for departed souls.

The allure of Lake Kelimutu lies not only in its stunning natural beauty but also in the rich local folklore that surrounds it. The lakes are not only visually captivating but also hold great spiritual significance for the people of the region. Each lake is associated with a specific local name and is believed to be a sacred site where souls find eternal peace. This mystical connection between nature and spirituality adds an extra layer of intrigue to the already mesmerizing landscape.

Visiting Lake Kelimutu offers a rare opportunity to witness the wonders of nature and delve into the cultural heritage of the area. Whether it's the vibrant colors of the lakes or the spiritual beliefs attached to them, this destination promises an unforgettable experience for those who venture to explore its extraordinary beauty.

The Kelimutu area is encompassed by a forest that boasts a variety of flora not commonly found in the Flores region. In addition to pine trees, there are also casuarinas, redwood, and edelweiss. The pine forest thrives on one side of Kelimutu Mountain, while the other side consists of arid land with highly unstable sand and soil. The local community reveres Kelimutu Mountain as sacred, believing it bestows fertility upon the surrounding nature.

Visitors are permitted to stroll around Lake Kelimutu, but certain areas are off-limits due to safety concerns and are therefore restricted. For those who enjoy trekking from Moni to Kelimutu, there is a shorter path available compared to the route accessible by car. This allows for a more immersive and adventurous experience for those exploring the area.

The distance from Moni to the summit is approximately 12 km, with the parking lot accessible by motor vehicle situated 11 km away. Once at the parking lot, visitors will need to embark on a 30-minute climb on foot along the pathway to reach the top of Kelimutu. This journey offers a unique opportunity to witness the diverse flora and natural beauty of the region up close.

Koanara village, located in the Wolowaru sub-district, is in close proximity to Mt Kelimutu. Situated approximately 66 km away from the town of Ende and 83 km from Maumere, this village serves as a convenient starting point for those looking to explore the majestic mountain. Moni, a small town nestled at the base of Mt Kelimutu, acts as the gateway to Lake Kelimutu, with a mere 15 km separating the two destinations.

Various modes of transportation are available to transport you to a parking area near Kelimutu's summit. Whether you opt for an ojek, a motorbike taxi, a car, or public transportation, you can easily reach your desired location. Buses traveling from Maumere to Ende pass through Moni, with the popular wooden pick-up trucks known as BIS KAYU or oto kol being a common sight. Once you arrive in Moni, a brief 30-minute walk along the mountainside will lead you to your final destination.

For those coming from further locations, daily flights from Denpasar and Kupang to Maumere provide a convenient travel option. If you find yourself in Labuan Bajo and wish to embark on this journey, be sure to gather information on the best routes to reach Mt Kelimutu. With a combination of flights, buses, and a short walk, you can easily access this breathtaking natural wonder and immerse yourself in its beauty.

Located in the charming Koanara Village in Moni, East Flores, the Kelimutu Crater Lakes Ecolodge offers a unique and memorable stay. Surrounded by lush green paddy fields and a meandering river, this lodge provides a tranquil and serene atmosphere. The friendly and welcoming local people add to the warm hospitality that guests can expect during their stay. With a range of exciting activities available, including bird watching and exploring traditional villages, guests will have plenty to keep them entertained. Of course, the highlight of any visit is witnessing the breathtaking sunrise over the Tri-Colored Lake of Mount Kelimutu. In addition to providing a comfortable stay, the lodge also promotes environmental conservation and supports the local community.

Nestled amidst the picturesque Koanara Village in Moni, East Flores, the Kelimutu Crater Lakes Ecolodge is a haven of tranquility. Surrounded by verdant paddy fields and a meandering river, this lodge offers a serene and peaceful ambiance. The warm and welcoming local community adds to the charm of the lodge, ensuring that guests have a truly special stay. There are numerous exciting activities to partake in, such as bird watching and exploring traditional villages. However, the highlight of any visit is undoubtedly witnessing the awe-inspiring sunrise over the Tri-Colored Lake of Mount Kelimutu. In addition to providing a comfortable and enjoyable stay, the lodge also places great emphasis on environmental conservation and empowering the local community.

.Discover the hidden gem of the Kelimutu Crater Lakes Ecolodge, nestled in the enchanting Koanara Village in Moni, East Flores. Surrounded by lush green paddy fields and a meandering river, this lodge offers a serene and idyllic retreat. Immerse yourself in the tranquil village atmosphere, where the cool and refreshing air rejuvenates the soul. The warm hospitality of the local people adds a personal touch to your stay, ensuring a truly memorable experience. With a range of exciting activities available, including bird watching and exploring traditional villages, there is something for everyone. Of course, the highlight of your visit will be witnessing the breathtaking sunrise over the Tri-Colored Lake of Mount Kelimutu. As you enjoy your stay, take comfort in knowing that the lodge is committed to environmental conservation and supporting the local community.

Kelimutu Crater Lakes Ecolodge
Koanara Village, Kelimutu, Moni, Ende , Flores, East Nusa Tenggara
Phone: +62 813 5399 9311

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