Hunting Sunrise to Mount Batur, Bali

Hunting Sunrise to Mount Batur. Mount Batur is an active volcano located in the Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Bali, Indonesia. The southeastern side of the 10×13 km caldera mostly contains a caldera lake. Both the larger caldera and the smaller 7.5 km caldera were formed by the collapse of the volcano's magma chamber, with the first major collapse occurring around 29,300 years ago, and the second inner caldera collapse happening approximately 20,150 years ago. Another estimate of the formation date of the inner caldera suggests it was formed during the Bali ignimbrite eruption, around 23,670 and 28,500 years ago.

The first documented eruption was in 1804, and the most recent eruption occurred in 2000. Mount Batur is a popular trekking destination for tourists, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape and the caldera lake. The volcano is considered sacred by the Balinese people, and there are several temples located around its slopes. Despite its active nature, Mount Batur is a relatively safe volcano to visit, attracting visitors from around the world.

The geological history of Mount Batur is fascinating, with evidence of past eruptions and caldera collapses shaping the landscape over thousands of years. The volcano's activity continues to draw scientists and researchers who study its behavior to better understand volcanic processes. As one of Bali's most iconic landmarks, Mount Batur remains a symbol of the island's natural beauty and geological significance, attracting both adventurers and those seeking to witness the power of nature up close.

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Located in the northwest of Mount Agung, the mountain has a caldera measuring 13.8 x 10 km and is one of the largest in the world (van Bemmelen, 1949). The height of the caldera rim ranges from 1267 m - 2152 m (G. Abang peak). Within caldera I, caldera II is formed in a circular shape with a diameter of approximately 7 km. The floor of caldera II is situated between 120 - 300 m lower than Undak Kintamani (caldera I floor).

Inside the caldera, there is a crescent-shaped lake occupying the southeastern part, with a length of about 7.5 km, maximum width of 2.5 km, circumference of around 22 km, and an area of approximately 16 km2, known as Lake Batur. The caldera of Mount Batur is estimated to have formed due to two major eruptions, 29,300 and 20,150 years ago. Mount Batur consists of three volcanic cones, each with its own crater, Batur I, Batur II, and Batur III.

The geological features of Mount Batur, including its caldera and the formation of Lake Batur, provide valuable insights into the volcanic history of the region. The presence of multiple craters within the mountain highlights its dynamic volcanic activity over thousands of years. Studying the formation and evolution of Mount Batur's caldera can help scientists better understand the processes that shape our planet's landscapes and geology.

Tourist attraction

The Gunung Batur area is renowned as the main tourist attraction in Bangli Regency. According to the story in the Lontar Susana Bali, Gunung Batur is believed to be the peak of Gunung Mahameru, which was moved by Batara Pasupati to become Sthana Betari Danuh (the palace of Dewi Danu). At certain times, Hindus from various regions in Bali come to Batur to offer Suwinih in order to ward off crop disasters. By delivering these offerings, the Gunung Batur area becomes fertile.

The prominent features of this area as tourist attractions are the crater, caldera, and lake. There is an underground water flow that feeds Lake Batur, which emerges as springs in several places in Bali and is considered as "Tirta Suci" (sacred water).

One of the cultural attractions in the Gunung Batur area is Trunyan. Although all residents of Trunyan are Hindus like the majority of Balinese people, they claim that Trunyan Hinduism is the original Hinduism inherited from the Majapahit kingdom. North of Trunyan, there is a cemetery called kuban, where bodies are not buried or cremated, but placed under a tree after a complex funeral ceremony. This burial site is filled with bones, and it is possible to come across relatively fresh corpses.

Lake Batur

Lake Batur is a crater lake in Kintamani, Bangli Regency in Bali, located approximately 30 km (19 mi) northeast of Ubud in Bali. The lake is situated within the caldera of the active volcano, Mount Batur, along the Pacific Ring of Fire volcanic activity.

Geographically, Lake Batur is located southeast of the active volcano Mount Batur, within the old Batur caldera.

The lake is adjacent to 8 villages out of the 48 villages in the Kintamani District, including Abangsongan, Abang Batudinding, Batur Tengah, Buahan, Kedisan, Songan A, Songan B, and Terunyan.

The agricultural supply of water

The Batur Caldera is a significant agricultural area, known for cultivating various crops. After being pumped, the irrigation water flows back into the lake, carrying essential nutrients to the lake's ecosystem.

The supply of water from hot springs

In the village of Toya Bungkah, there are several hot springs that are connected to the volcanic activities of Mount Batur. These hot springs have been developed for tourism purposes. The water from these hot springs flows into the lake, contributing to its water supply.

The water source from agricultural and hot springs

The Batur Caldera not only benefits from the water supply from agricultural activities but also from the hot springs in the village of Toya Bungkah. These hot springs, which are associated with the volcanic activities of Mount Batur, have become popular tourist attractions. The water from both the agricultural and hot springs sources flows into the lake, ensuring a continuous supply of water and nutrients to support the lake's ecosystem.

Hot Spring Pools

1. Located at the foot of Mount Batur, the Batur Natural Hot Spring offers a relaxing experience in natural hot springs. Situated in Toya Bungkah Kintamani, Desa Pekraman Batur, this hot spring facility is open every Wednesday starting at 07.00. Visitors can enjoy soaking in the warm waters while taking in the breathtaking view of the lake.

2. Another popular destination for hot spring enthusiasts is the Tirta Usadha Hot Spring. With an outdoor swimming pool and a picturesque backdrop of hills, this hot spring facility is a sight to behold. Located on Jl. Pendakian Gn. Batur, visitors can unwind and relax in the beautiful surroundings while enjoying the rejuvenating benefits of the hot springs.

3. For those looking for a unique hot spring experience, the Volcano Sari Hot Springs is a must-visit destination. Located on Jl. Pendakian Gn. Batur and open on Wednesdays at 07.00, this hot spring facility offers a one-of-a-kind experience. Visitors can immerse themselves in the warm waters while enjoying the stunning views of the surrounding area.

When you want to climb Mount Batur, there are several locations that you can visit. In this article, we will discuss the four hiking routes of Mount Batur and their explanations:

Climbing route to the top of Mount Batur

1. PASAR AGUNG ROUTE: The hiking route via Pasar Agung is the shortest route. It offers a relatively quick ascent to the summit of Mount Batur. This route is suitable for those who are looking for a challenging and adventurous climb.

2. TOYA BUNGKAH ROUTE: The Toya Bungkah route is another option for hiking Mount Batur. This route provides a scenic and enjoyable trek through lush forests and beautiful landscapes. It is a popular choice among nature enthusiasts and offers breathtaking views along the way.

3. SERONGGA ROUTE: The Serongga route is known for its diverse flora and fauna. Hikers who choose this route will be able to witness the rich biodiversity of Mount Batur. It is a longer route compared to the others, but it offers a unique and rewarding hiking experience.

4. CULALI / BUKIT MENTIK ROUTE: The Culali/Bukit Mentik route is less crowded compared to the other routes. It is a peaceful and serene trail that allows hikers to immerse themselves in the tranquility of nature. This route is perfect for those who prefer a quieter and more secluded hiking experience.

Each of these routes offers its own unique features and challenges. Whether you are a seasoned hiker or a beginner, there is a route that suits your preferences and abilities. So, lace up your hiking boots and embark on an unforgettable adventure to the majestic Mount Batur.

Rent a car or motorbike to reach the Mount Batur climbing route

1. If departing from Denpasar, the journey will take approximately 2-3 hours. Currently, there is no public transportation available from Denpasar to Mount Batur.

2. If you are in Ubud, it will take around 60 to 120 minutes to reach Mount Batur.

3. From Bedugul Tabanan, you can pass through Bedugul Main Road along Lake Beratan until you reach Tukad Bangkung Bridge, then head towards Kintamani Main Road. If you are unsure, you can use Google Maps to navigate to Mount Batur or simply ask the locals along the way.

Is Mount Batur worth visiting? Some people who climb Mount Batur do so to catch the sunrise. With an altitude of 1,717 meters above sea level, it is considered safe for beginners. The hike to Mount Batur only takes two to three hours, with the best time to start being around 02.00-03.00.

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