How to save on a vacation to Mount Sumbing, Central Java

Mount Sumbing is one of the highest peaks in Central Java, Indonesia. It is a popular destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts due to its stunning views and challenging trails. The mountain is known for its lush forests, diverse wildlife, and cool climate, making it a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Rising to an elevation of 3,371 meters above sea level, Mount Sumbing offers a rewarding trekking experience for those who are willing to take on the adventure. The journey to the summit is not easy, but the sense of accomplishment and the panoramic vistas from the top make it all worth it. Hikers can witness breathtaking sunrises and sunsets, as well as the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

In addition to its natural beauty, Mount Sumbing holds cultural significance for the local communities. It is considered a sacred mountain, with various rituals and ceremonies held to honor its spiritual importance. Visitors to Mount Sumbing can not only enjoy the physical challenges of hiking but also immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of the region.

From Jakarta via Garung route

Let's discuss the route through Garung first, as this route is the most popular way to reach the peak of Mount Sumbing. The nearest bus terminal from the Garung basecamp is Terminal Mendolo in Wonosobo. The distance between the two is approximately 15 kilometers.

Therefore, our first destination if departing from Jakarta would be Wonosobo. There are many bus companies that serve the Jakarta-Wonosobo route, including Rosalia Indah, Sinar Jaya, Sudiro Tungga Jaya, Pepebe, and Murni Jaya. The bus ticket prices from Jakarta to Wonosobo start from Rp 130,000, and the journey takes around 12 hours.

Upon arrival at Terminal Mendolo, the journey continues towards Garung. Getting there is quite easy, as you just need to take a bus heading towards Temanggung or Magelang that passes through Garung. The journey takes about 20 minutes, and the fare is Rp 8,000. Just inform the conductor or driver that you want to hike Mount Sumbing via Garung, and they will know where to drop you off. Once you arrive, proceed on foot to the Garung basecamp. Here, you will be required to fill out a guest book with your name and the name of a contact person. After that, you will need to pay a climbing fee of Rp 15,000.

From Jakarta via Kampung of Butuh, Kaliangkrik route

The village of Butuh, where the basecamp is located on this route, has become viral due to its interesting scenery of houses that seem to be stacked on top of each other on the mountainside. The view is said to be similar to that in Nepal, which is why the village is nicknamed "Nepal Van Java" or "Nepal of Java". This village is also a favorite location for drone enthusiasts.

If you are coming from Jakarta, the most effective way to reach the village of Butuh is by taking a bus. The nearest bus terminal is Tidar Magelang Terminal, which is approximately 26 kilometers away.

So, the first place you should head to is Magelang. There are many bus companies that serve the Jakarta-Magelang route, such as Ramayana, Rosalia Indah, Handoyo, and Santoso. You can also choose a Jakarta-Yogyakarta bus that passes through Magelang. The fare from Jakarta to Magelang starts from Rp 150,000.

From Tidar Magelang Terminal, the journey continues to Pasar Kaliangkrik by bus, with a fare of Rp 15,000.

From Pasar Kaliangkrik to the village of Butuh, the distance is 8 kilometers. There is no public transportation that can take you there, but there is no need to worry because there are motorcycle taxi services available. The fare starts from Rp 35,000.

Upon arriving at the basecamp, the next step is to register by writing in the guestbook and paying a climbing fee of Rp 10,000.

To shorten the climbing time and save energy, it is recommended to use a motorcycle taxi service from the Kaliangkrik basecamp to Pos 1, with a cost of Rp 20,000.

Another option is to travel from Jakarta to Mendolo Wonosobo Terminal, and then take a bus to Magelang. One of the buses that serves this route is Cebong Jaya.

Or if you are traveling in a group, for example, 5 people, you can rent a pick-up car to take you from Mendolo Terminal to the Butuh basecamp. Pak Affandi is one of the providers of shuttle services from the terminal to the basecamp, and his contact number is 089623378388.

From Jakarta via Banaran

The route to Mount Sumbing via Banaran is located in the administrative area of Temanggung Regency and is known as the Sumbing East Route. The distance from Banaran basecamp to Temanggung Terminal is about 13 kilometers. So the first destination you should head to is Temanggung.

How do you get to Temanggung if you're coming from Jakarta? 

It's easy, my friend. You just need to take a bus to Magelang. However, you don't need to go all the way to Tidar Magelang Terminal. You can get off at the Secang Police Station intersection. From there, you can continue by taking a bus towards Temanggung.

From Temanggung Terminal, you can take a motorcycle taxi to Banaran basecamp. Another way is to take a bus to Wonosobo. From Mendolo Terminal, take a bus towards Temanggung. But this route requires a longer distance to be traveled.

Upon arriving at Banaran basecamp, you need to register and pay the climbing fee. From the basecamp, there are motorcycle taxi services available that can take you to the starting point of the climb. The price is Rp 25,000, and this is highly recommended because the distance between the basecamp and Post 0 is quite far, about 2 kilometers on a gravel road. So if you take a motorcycle taxi, you can save energy and climbing time.

It's worth noting that the management of Banaran basecamp is very attentive to climbing management. Before the climb, the management will record the climbing equipment and supplies brought by climbers. Similarly, when descending, the amount of trash brought down will also be recorded and it must match the amount brought up. If there is any discrepancy, there will be penalties for climbers. These strict regulations aim to preserve the climbing route via Banaran. It's really cool and deserves appreciation.

How to Get to Mount Sumbing via Mangli Kaliangkrik

Apart from the Need Route, in Kaliangkrik there is also a route to the top of Mount Sumbing which is no less exciting, namely the Mangli Route. This route is not very popular among climbers but can be an alternative choice because the travel time is relatively shorter compared to other climbing routes.

Mangli Basecamp is in Mangli Village, Kaliangkrik, Magelang Regency. So to get to Mangli basecamp from Jakarta, the first stop is Magelang. From Magelang continue by minibus to Kalegen Village. Then from this village continue by motorbike taxi to Mangli Village.

How to Get to Mount Sumbing via Lamuk

Lastly is the Lamuk Route which is in Lamuk Village, Telogomulyo District, Temanggung Regency. There isn't much information about how to get there, because when we wrote this article and typed "Lamuk Sumbing Basecamp" on Google Maps, I didn't find it.

However, if you type Lamuk Village, then the location is close to Banaran Village. So we can use the steps to get to Banaran Basecamp when we want to go to Lamuk Basecamp. Arriving at basecamp, you must fill in the guest book and pay a climbing fee of IDR 15,000

Easy Way to Mount Sumbing

Previously, we explained how to get to Mount Sumbing from various routes. Maybe for many people it will feel complicated if they have to do it like that. Getting in and out of vehicles, changing modes of transportation.

The most complicated thing is when you get from the village gate to the basecamp, which is quite a distance away, except for Garung Basecamp and Sipetung Basecamp, which are quite close to the village gate. If it's too far, the way to do it is to take a motorbike taxi. Of course, the price of a motorbike taxi to basecamp can be said to be expensive, but if you look at the condition of the road you have to travel on, the price becomes reasonable.

Or if you come in a group, you can also rent a car or pick-up truck directly from the terminal to basecamp.

Currently, there are many providers of open trip services for climbing Mount Sumbing. The prices offered start from IDR 450,000, where the price includes pick-up and drop-off transportation facilities from the designated meeting point to the climbing basecamp, meals at the basecamp, team tents and porters. This does not include logistics and personal equipment such as sleeping bags, jackets, beanies and medicines.

If you don't want to bother with transportation to get to the Mount Sumbing basecamp, then just join the Mount Sumbing Open Trip. Just look for climbing groups on Facebook. Surely you will find lots of parties holding it. Choose the one that suits the date you want and the route you want.

Read also: 

The Charm of Mount Sumbing is truly captivating

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