Gentala Arasy Tower and Bridge in Jambi, Sumatra Island

Gentala Arasy Tower is a clock tower located in the Arab Melayu Village, Pelayangan, Jambi City. This clock tower stands at a height of 80 meters and houses the Jambi Cultural Museum inside. The museum contains over 100 collections of historical artifacts from Jambi in the past. Additionally, there is also a mini cinema facility showcasing various cultural shows from the land of Sepucuk Jambi Sembilan Lurah. Overall, the architecture of the Gentala Arasy Tower is strong with a blend of Malay and Arab Islamic characteristics.

The Pedestrian Bridge (Gentala Arasy Bridge) connects to the Gentala Arasy Tower. The Gentala Arasy Bridge, which spans the Batanghari River, is a pedestrian bridge connecting Tepian Tanggo Rajo to Jambi Kota Seberang. It is the first pedestrian bridge with a winding S-shaped contour, distinguishing it from typical bridges. The Gentala Arasy Bridge was constructed with a budget of Rp 88.7 billion over three years from 2012 to 2014. This project was initiated during the administration of Hasan Basri Agus and was inaugurated by the Vice President of Indonesia at that time, Jusuf Kalla, on March 28, 2015. The connecting bridge is 503 meters long and 4.5 meters wide.

In conclusion, the Gentala Arasy Tower and the Gentala Arasy Bridge are significant landmarks in Jambi, Indonesia. These structures not only serve as architectural marvels but also play a crucial role in connecting different parts of the city. The blend of Malay and Arab Islamic influences in the design of the tower reflects the rich cultural heritage of the region. The Gentala Arasy Tower and Bridge stand as testaments to the historical and cultural significance of Jambi, attracting visitors and locals alike to admire their beauty and learn about the heritage they represent.

The name Gentala Arasy is derived from three words, namely genta which means sound, tala which means harmony, and arasy which means echoing to the sky. Therefore, the meaning of Gentala Arasy is a sound that is harmonious and echoes to the sky. This sound originates from the bell tower of Gentala Arasy which rings as a sign for the obligatory prayer time for Muslims in the city of Jambi.

Furthermore, Gentala Arasy is also an acronym for Genah Tanah Lahir Abdurrahman Sayoeti. Genah itself in the Malay language of Jambi means place. Abdurrahman Sayoeti was one of the governors of Jambi who was born in Jambi Kota Seberang. He served from 1989 to 1999.

The combination of these meanings and historical references encapsulates the significance of Gentala Arasy as a symbol of cultural heritage and religious practice in the city of Jambi. It represents the blend of tradition, language, and leadership that have shaped the identity of the region over the years. Gentala Arasy stands as a reminder of the rich history and values that continue to resonate in the community.

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