Facilitating 10 selected tourist villages in Gorontalo

Gorontalo, February 28, 2024 - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf) is facilitating 10 selected tourist villages in Gorontalo regency/city to participate in training and mentoring programs. The aim is to help them create attractive tourism packages and promote tourism and creative economy products digitally through the Beti Dewi (Buy Creative Tourism Village) program.

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Menparekraf/Kabaparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, who attended the "Beti Dewi 2024" event at Aston Hotel Gorontalo on Wednesday (28/2/2024), emphasized that Gorontalo has great potential in culinary, crafts, fashion, and various supporting destinations. However, in order to maximize the benefits of these products, their existence needs to be widely promoted.

The Beti Dewi program has currently established partnerships with several online travel agents (OTA) including Mister Aladin, Tiket.com, Atourin, Jalanin.com, and Traveloka as one of the largest online platforms in Southeast Asia. Participants will have the opportunity to onboard their products in these online travel agents through this collaboration.

In the Gorontalo regency/city, 10 tourism villages participating in the Beti Dewi program for two days starting from February 27-28, 2024, are Religious Tourism Village Bubohu Bongo, Lonuo Tourism Village (Bukit Arang), Botubarani Tourism Village, Perintis Lake Tourism Village, Olele Sea Park Tourism Village, Dunggala Tourism Village, Ponelo Tourism Village, Tulabolo Tourism Village, Longalo Tourism Village, and Tri Rukun Tourism Village.

Therefore, through this training with the Desa Wisata Institute, onboarding to five online travel agents, providing access to financing, and assisting in promotions, the aim is to enable these tourism villages to reach a wider market. The efforts made by Menparekraf Sandiaga and the Beti Dewi program are crucial in supporting the growth and development of tourism in Indonesia.

Director of Tourism Marketing of Nusantara Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf, Dwi Marhen Yono, explained that for the past two years, Kemenparekraf has been assisting 369 villages in their onboarding process, and there have been 712 tour packages sold through Kemenparekraf's partner OTA.

"This year, we hope to level up. Leveling up means not only focusing on onboarding, but also paying attention to the magnitude of the transactions," said Marhen.

Head of the Department of Tourism, Youth, and Sports of Gorontalo Province, Aryanto Husein, expressed appreciation for Gorontalo being chosen as the location for the implementation of the Beti Dewi 2024 program. This serves as motivation for them to continue empowering the tourism industry in Gorontalo.

Therefore, I express my gratitude for this program. For all participants, this is not the end, as we will prepare a program that will certainly be accompanied by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy," said Aryanto.

According to the Head of Olele Marine Park Tourism Village, Candra Nauko, the Beti Dewi activity is very beneficial for business actors, especially the Pokdarwis who are directly involved in tourism and the creative economy. Candra hopes that this program can be sustainable.

"With the Beti Dewi program, we are equipped with knowledge on how to sell our products, as well as the explanation of marketing strategies. We are given a link to market all tourism products in our village, including homestays, souvenirs, and tour packages. We can even see the balance sheet on the application. God willing, this program will continue," said Candra.

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