Enjoy the sight of a flock of storks roaming around the Kerinci lake

 Lake Kerinci is a lake located in the Kerinci regency, Jambi province, Indonesia. This lake covers an area of 5,000 square meters and has an elevation of 783 meters above sea level. Situated at the foot of Mount Rayo, Lake Kerinci is the largest lake in the Kerinci regency, spanning 4,200 hectares. It is a volcanic lake with a depth of 110 meters.

source: wikipedia.org

Lake Kerinci is approximately 16 kilometers south of Sungai Penuh city. It is situated in two sub-districts, namely Keliling Danau and Danau Kerinci. The lake plays a significant role in meeting the water needs of the surrounding Kerinci area, both for agriculture and the drinking water needs of the community.

The local government is utilizing Lake Kerinci as one of the main tourist destinations for the Kerinci region, as it offers many fascinating sights. For example, visitors can see a flock of wandering storks around Lake Kerinci. The surrounding area of Lake Kerinci can also be used as an attractive water recreation spot, such as fishing, swimming, camping, or various other activities like trying out the local culinary delights of Kerinci district, which are provided by the restaurants around Lake Kerinci.

The local authorities have chosen Lake Kerinci as a prominent tourist spot in the Kerinci region due to its abundance of captivating views. One of the highlights is the opportunity for visitors to witness a group of wandering storks around the lake. Moreover, the surrounding area of Lake Kerinci offers an array of exciting water recreational activities, including fishing, swimming, camping, and other engaging pursuits. Additionally, tourists can indulge in the unique culinary experiences of Kerinci district by exploring the various restaurants located near Lake Kerinci.

Lake Kerinci has been designated as a prime tourist destination by the local government for the Kerinci region, owing to its picturesque landscapes. Visitors can enjoy the sight of a flock of storks roaming around the lake, which is one of the many attractions it has to offer. The surrounding area of Lake Kerinci is also an ideal spot for water-based recreational activities, such as fishing, swimming, camping, and other exciting endeavors. Furthermore, tourists can savor the authentic culinary delights of Kerinci district at the restaurants situated in close proximity to Lake Kerinci.

Accessing Lake Kerinci can be done through a land route starting from the city of Jambi to Sungai Penuh. The distance is approximately 500 km with a travel time of 10 hours. This journey can be made using public or private vehicles.


According to the story passed down from generation to generation, Lake Kerinci as it is today used to be a vast lake in ancient times, hence it was called Lake Gedang (big). Legend has it that at the bottom of Lake Gedang lived a giant dragon named Calungga. Calungga had a human sibling named Calutat. In the past, Calungga was a human being.

One day, Calungga transformed into a dragon to protect the lake from harm. Calutat, his sibling, was the only one who knew the truth about Calungga's identity. The folklore of Lake Kerinci has been a source of wonder and fascination for the locals, adding a mystical touch to the natural beauty of the area.

Calungga and Calutat were said to live on the edge of Lake Gedang. Calungga transformed into a dragon because he ate an egg he found in the forest. After Calungga turned into a dragon, he felt afraid of hurting his own sibling, so he decided to fly away to Lake Gedang.

After some time of Calungga's departure, Calutat felt longing and wanted to meet his sibling, so Calungga and Calutat decided to meet at the edge of the lake. Calungga started swimming towards the edge of the lake to meet his sibling, small rivers were broken because of Calungga's actions, causing the once overflowing Lake Gedang to gradually become shallow and small, hence now known as Lake Kerinc.

Calungga and Calutat finally reunited at the edge of Lake Kerinc, embracing each other after being apart for so long. They realized the importance of family and promised to always look out for each other, learning from the consequences of Calungga's actions and the transformation that took place. From then on, they lived peacefully by the lake, cherishing their bond and the lessons they had learned.

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