Curug Putri Carita, which can be a delightful choice for a vacation in Pandeglang

 Banten offers more than just Pantai Carita as a tourist destination. One of them is Curug Putri Carita, which can be a delightful choice for a vacation. Located in the Tahura (Taman Hutan Rakyat) area in Sukarame Village, Carita, Pandeglang Regency, Curug Putri Carita is worth a visit.

To fully appreciate the natural beauty of Curug Putri Carita, it is recommended to either ride a motorcycle or walk to the tourist spot. This way, visitors can immerse themselves in the stunning scenery and enjoy the surroundings to the fullest.


Visitors are advised to wear footwear with good grip to avoid the risk of slipping on slippery roads. Shoes or sandals with anti-slip technology will greatly help in ensuring safety during the journey. Additionally, make sure to choose comfortable clothing to enhance the experience of visiting tourist attractions.

Before reaching the waterfall destination, visitors will pass through a lush and refreshing forest. The natural sounds that adorn the journey will add to the authentic and calming atmosphere. With beautiful panoramas and clear water, visitors can feel tranquility and comfort in their hearts while enjoying the presented natural beauty.

With thorough preparation, visitors will be able to fully enjoy their vacation. Using appropriate footwear for the road conditions and comfortable clothing will help reduce the potential for problems during the journey. So, make sure to pay attention to this advice before visiting the desired tourist attraction.

In Google reviews, several tourists gave various comments including;

Nia Erni Mariady, a tourist, "It's really beautiful. Different from other waterfalls, here it's very exciting with its own challenges. It's best to come in the morning before 9 am, if it doesn't rain the water is clearer. Overall, it's the best. Let's together preserve the tourist attractions we visit by not littering and vandalizing the waterfall cliffs."

On the other hand, another tourist mentioned, "The route from the parking lot to the hill by taking a motorcycle taxi, or you can also walk from the village near the water gate, the view of the cool forest, many food vendors, changing rooms, toilets, the path approaching the waterfall is very steep, friendly guides."

Meanwhile, another tourist, Azizah Ismail, explained, "The experience is really amazing! The location of the waterfall is challenging to visit. But it's totally worth it because it's really beautiful and unique. Absolutely amazing."

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