Cities in Indonesia must have a city pass

 Cities in Indonesia must have a city pass

By Hadi Hartono

Mobile City Pass is an innovation that allows users to access various services and facilities in a city using their mobile devices. With Mobile City Pass, users can easily access transportation tickets, tourist attractions, city events, and more. This is a practical and efficient solution for those who want to explore the city in a more modern and connected way.

Mobile City Pass concept

Mobile City Pass can be applied in various big cities in Indonesia which have a variety of interesting tourist destinations. Some examples are Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, Surabaya, Medan, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Makassar, Lombok, Manado, and many more. By using the Mobile City Pass, users can enjoy various attractive facilities and discounts at various tourist and entertainment attractions in these cities.

Therefore, every big city that has a variety of tourist destinations can design their own Mobile City Pass. This will make it easier for tourists to access various attractions without having to buy tickets separately.

With the Mobile City Pass, visitors can enjoy various tourist facilities and attractions more efficiently. They don't need to bother paying for entrance tickets one by one, but simply use one card or application to enjoy all the destinations on offer.

The Mobile City Pass concept can also increase tourist visits to a city, because of the ease of access it offers. In this way, the city can obtain additional income from the tourism sector and promote its various tourist destinations more effectively.

The existence of the Mobile City Pass makes it easier for tourists to enjoy their holidays without having to bother paying for entrance tickets or managing ticket purchases separately at each destination. By using just one card, users can access various tourist and entertainment attractions more easily and efficiently. This will certainly make your holiday trip more enjoyable and smooth.

Apart from that, Mobile City Pass also provides a more organized and cost-effective holiday experience for users. With various attractive promos and discounts on offer, users can enjoy their holidays more economically without having to worry about additional costs incurred. Thus, the Mobile City Pass is a practical solution for tourists who want to explore various tourist destinations in Indonesia without having to bother managing separate entrance tickets.

The Role of Regional Government

Regional governments have an important role in improving infrastructure in their respective regions. By improving infrastructure, such as roads, bridges and waterways, local governments can improve the quality of life of the community and encourage economic growth in the area. Good infrastructure will also facilitate accessibility and mobility of the population, so that economic activities can run smoothly.

Apart from that, local governments also need to improve the public transportation system in their areas. By improving the quality and efficiency of public transportation, such as buses, trains and other public transportation, people will find it easier and more comfortable to travel. This will reduce the use of private vehicles which have the potential to cause congestion and air pollution. Thus, improving the public transportation system will also have a positive impact on the environment and people's quality of life.

Good infrastructure and an adequate public transportation system will also contribute to increasing tourists' interest in visiting tourist destinations in the city. Tourists will feel more interested and comfortable visiting if the infrastructure and transportation in the city are guaranteed. This will have a positive impact on the tourism sector, increase regional income, and create new jobs for the local community. Therefore, the role of local governments in improving infrastructure and transportation systems is very important to develop tourism potential in their regions.

Mobile City Pass Manager Management

With the Mobile City Pass concept, the tourism industry has new business opportunities in managing and developing the Mobile City Pass application. MCP management establishes marketing collaborations with various tourism actors such as transportation service providers, accommodation managers, restaurant managers and tourist attraction managers. All tourism actors will be combined in one mobile application which can be accessed and purchased online by tourists by only paying once for all the services they need.

Mobile City Pass Manager Management

With the Mobile City Pass concept, the tourism industry has new business opportunities in managing and developing the Mobile City Pass application. MCP management establishes marketing collaborations with various tourism actors such as transportation service providers, accommodation managers, restaurant managers and tourist attraction managers. All tourism actors will be combined in one mobile application which can be accessed and purchased online by tourists by only paying once for all the services they need.

With the Mobile City Pass, tourists will find it easy to plan and organize their trips. They no longer need to bother searching and paying separately for each service they need. By just using one application, they can easily access various existing tourism services, such as transportation, accommodation, culinary delights and tourist attractions. This will certainly provide a more practical and efficient experience for tourists.

Apart from that, the Mobile City Pass also provides benefits for tourism actors. By joining together in one application, they can increase the visibility and accessibility of their services to tourists. This can increase the number of tourist visits and the income they earn. Apart from that, with cooperation between tourism actors, they can also support each other and promote each other's services, thereby creating positive synergy in the tourism industry.

Case Study For Example Jakarta Mobile City Pass [JMCP]

How it works

Step 1

First of all, the user selects the duration

With JMCP, users can explore Jakarta with the best transportation services, attractions, tours and experiences, at low prices.

Choose the duration (2, 3, 4, or 6 consecutive days) of JMCP and choose from over eg 90 attractions. Every JMCP includes a Monas Ticket which gives you access to the city's top museums and galleries.

Users can see the benefits of each duration:

For example;

3 day ticket includes 3 days using transportation around Jakarta, and entrance tickets to Monas, TMII, and Ragunan Wildlife Park.

4 day ticket includes 4 days using transportation services around Jakarta, entrance tickets to Monas, TMII, Ragunan Wildlife Park, Fantasy World, Sewa World, and a free meal at one of the Betawi restaurants.

And so on.

Step 2

1. Install the JMPC application

2. Download Available Transport Tickets

3. Download Tour Entrance Ticket

4. Download Restaurant Vouchers, and so on

So exploring Jakarta and its surroundings is now easier with JMCP. By using this service, you can more efficiently see the best sights in Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Depok and Bekasi without having to worry about high costs. This will certainly provide a more enjoyable and affordable tourism experience for tourists.

If the Mobile City Pass concept can be implemented in various big cities in Indonesia with various tourist destinations, it could be a smart step in developing the tourism industry. With a mobile application like this, tourists will be increasingly interested in exploring various interesting places in Indonesia. As a result, the tourism industry in the country can grow rapidly and make a significant contribution to the country's economy.

Through the rapid development of the tourism industry, Indonesia has the opportunity to make the tourism sector one of the strategic sectors in the country's economy. By utilizing its tourism potential, Indonesia can attract more tourists, both domestic and foreign. In this way, Indonesia can strengthen its position as a leading tourist destination in the world.

The author is the manager of and ASPPI member, lives in Tangerang.

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