Carrying the theme of Asian and European culture, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs commemorates ASEM Day 2024 in Surakarta

Surakarta, Indonesia - In commemoration of ASEM Day 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia invited representatives from countries in the Asia and Europe regions to gather in the city of Surakarta, Central Java, to discuss cultural diversity and learn about batik as part of the commemorative events (6-7/3).
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This year, ASEM Day carries the theme "Cultural Diversity: A Shared Value and Celebrated Wealth among ASEM Countries." Apart from being one of the pillars of ASEM, the cultural theme is raised to emphasize the spirit of dialogue and cooperation as a unifying force among Asian and European countries. ASEM Day 2024 was attended by the diplomatic corps of ASEM countries in Jakarta and the academic community in Surakarta.

The series of events for ASEM Day 2024 began with an official dinner attended by KGPAA Mangkoenagoro X Bhre Sudjiwo from Puro Mangkunegaran on March 6, 2024. In his speech, he emphasized that the value and richness of culture are important for fostering cooperation in the context of inter-country relations.

The activities on the second day were officially opened by the Executive Director of the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), Ambassador Toru Morikawa, and the Director of KSIA Amerop, Ms. Nidya Kartikasari. In his speech, Ambassador Morikawa expressed his appreciation for the collaboration of the Indonesian government in bridging dialogue between the Asian and European regions through culture. The cultural exchange in this year's ASEM Day serves as a stronger and more comprehensive collaboration, uniting the two regions as members of the global community.

Similarly, the Director of KSIA Amerop stated that the theme of Culture in ASEM Day 2024 reflects the commitment to recognize the richness of cultural diversity as the foundation for stronger and more comprehensive collaboration between Asia and Europe. For Indonesia, culture is part of the nation's identity and an important aspect of partnership among ASEM partner countries.

Discuss culture in a talk show featuring panelists from the Director of Personnel Development and Cultural Institutions of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture; and the Director of Culture of ASEF, Mrs. Valentina Riccardi, and a virtual presentation by the Director of the Multisectoral Regional Office of UNESCO Jakarta, Mrs. Maki Katsuno Hayashikawa. The talk show was moderated by the Head of the UNS International Relations Study Program, Mr. Ign. Agung Satyawan.

Director of Personnel Development and Cultural Institutions, Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, Mr Restu Gunawan said that Indonesia is a superpower in terms of culture which has been recognized by UNESCO. Director Restu also mentioned that Indonesian spice commodities have a big impact on world cultural dynamics. He emphasized that we are all Cultural Ambassadors where the introduction and spread of Indonesian culture can be manifested in our daily lives, such as in the form of handicrafts and culinary delights.

Meanwhile, ASEF's Cultural Director explained that ASEF has a portfolio to develop culture as a bridge for collaboration between Asia and Europe through various arts and culture platforms, both directly with festivals and virtually with the platform.

Mrs. Maki Katsuno-Hayashikawa, Multisector Director of the UNESCO Regional Office, through her virtual presentation, said that events like this are a way to bridge intercultural dialogue and peace. Cultural heritage requires cross-border cooperation to combat emerging challenges such as armed conflict and illegal trade)

The speakers' presentation sparked high enthusiasm from dozens of students who were present directly at the activity location. These questions prove that young people have a great sense of ownership of the role of culture on an interpersonal to global scale.

To provide a comprehensive cultural experience, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also preparing visits to cultural loci in Surakarta, namely the Danarhadi Batik Museum and Puro Mangkunegaran for batik workshops.

This series of activities made a special impression on the invited guests who expressed their admiration for Indonesian culture and how culture can be an effective medium for cooperation between countries and between regions.

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